Avery Herbert 2020년 1월 30일 We figure we need to make a for loop inside of a for loop but we do not know how to hold on to each different curve in order to put them all on one graph. 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 이 질문에 답변하려...
The complete figure should be similar to the enclosed one, so I have to reverse the x axis in the second graph. How could I make the two graphs in one? Thanks 1 Comment Rik on 2 Nov 2017 Be careful about the names you give things. A figure has a specific meaning in Matlab, wh...
we have to use the subplot command and define the position of the plot as the third argument. If we want the plot the variable at the first position, we need to give the third argument an integer 1. For example, Let’s plot the above two graphs in the same figure using thesubplot(...
I would like to plot two graphs in one subplot to compare the parameters of two cars. However, the program does not give the expected outcome. It could only generate one graph in the subplots. How should I correct the program? Thanks!
图1-8 选择New|Figure命令进入图形窗口 运行结果如图1-9所示。1.2.7 当前文件夹当前路径窗口显示当前用户所在的路径,可以在其中对MATLAB路径下的文件进行搜索、浏览、打开等操作,如图1-10所示。 图1-9 运行程序自动弹出图形窗口 图1-10 当前文件夹 1.3 查询帮助命令MATLAB用户可以在命令窗口中直接输入命令来获得相...
1.1. The function hold is used to ensure that the two graphs are superimposed. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 1.1. Superimposed graphs obtained using plot(x,y) and hold statements. % e4s102.m x = -4:0.05:4; y = exp(-0.5*x).*sin(5*x); figure(1), plot(x,y) ...
Matlab learningGraphs in graphs and common functions” Welcome to visit! 一、思维导图(Mind Map) 二、图中图(Picture in picture) 首先,打开MATLAB软件,并确保您已经创建了一个图形窗口(figure)。接下来,您需要找到图形窗口中用于编辑或选择图表的工具。在MATLAB的图形窗口顶部,通常会有一个工具栏,其中包含了...
I have written a program that takes a lot of data and produces graphs.It would be really convenient and save me a lot of time if I could take curves on an existing figure and add their values together to make a single curve. For a simple example lets say I have the following code,...
Imagine an N by M array of little graphs on your figure. Those are the rows and columns. The third arg is the number of the plot starting at 1 in the upper left, going across the top row to M, then down a row and across again, then so on down row by row until the last plot...
例1.需要采用图形句柄,详细内容参考MATLAB帮助文件有关plotyy的例程%Thisexamplegraphstwomathematicalfunctionsusingplotastheplottingfunction.Thetwoy-axes%enableyoutodisplaybothsetsofdataononegrapheventhoughrelativevaluesofthedataarequite%different.x=0:0.01:20;y1=200*exp(-0 12、.05*x).*sin(x);y2=0.8*...