3.如果是Figure 1 里面显示两个不同的窗口,分别放在左右两边,用 subplot(121);plot(x1,y1);subplot(122);plot(x2,y2); 4.如果是Figure 1 里面显示两个不同的窗口,分别放在上下两边,用 subplot(211);plot(x1,y1);subplot(212);plot(x2,y2); 5.如果是前面已经用plot画出了Figure 1 ,后面还想再...
2 在matlab主界面中,打开“文本编辑器”3 首先,我们用“figure”语句打开一个axes。然后用plot画线的方法先画出一条曲线使用plot画线可参考如下经验 4 然后,需要锁定当前的figure。使用“hold on”指令 5 锁定之后,可接着画另外的曲线 6 如果还需要画更多的曲线,由于之前已经进行了锁定,不需要重复锁定。可...
We figure we need to make a for loop inside of a for loop but we do not know how to hold on to each different curve in order to put them all on one graph. 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 이 질문에 답변하려면 로그인하십시오.답...
Learn how to plot multiple lines on the same figure using two different methods in MATLAB®. We’ll start with a simple method for plotting multiple lines at once and then look at how to plot additional lines on an already existing figure. ...
Open in MATLAB Online How do I plot multiple graphs on the same graph using this code?: ThemeCopy hold off [x, y] = meshgrid(0:0.2:10, 0:0.2:6); X = x(1,1:51); dx = ones(size(x)); dy = x; quiver(x, y, dx, dy) axis tight hold on plot(X, 1+X.^2/2) 1 Com...
clc;clear;close all; x=0:0.1:pi; y=sin(x)); h1 = figure(1); % 创建画布,画布编号为1 set(h1,'pos',[350 250 850 340]); plot(x,y,,'r-','linewidth',2,'Marker','s','MarkerFaceColor','w','MarkerEdgeColor','g','MarkerSize',10); xlabel('Time [% of stance duration]','Fo...
we have to use the subplot command and define the position of the plot as the third argument. If we want the plot the variable at the first position, we need to give the third argument an integer 1. For example, Let’s plot the above two graphs in the same figure using thesubplot(...
figure plot(x,y1,'r-.',x,y2,'k:',x1,y3,'bp','LineWidth',2); 复制 4. 双纵坐标函数plotyy 在Matlab中,如果需要绘制出具有不同纵坐标标度的两个图形,可以使用plotyy函数,它能把具有不同量纲,不同数量级的两个函数绘制在同一个坐标中,有利于图形数据的对比分析...
Or, another route that for plotting may be sufficient is to simply only plot every Nth point of the longer to make the same number as the shorter...depending on the data it may be sufficient for visualization.
matlab plot figure的时候,如何设置figure的size 在MATLAB中,您可以使用figure函数创建新的图形窗口,并使用set函数或其属性直接设置图形窗口(也称为figure)的大小。以下是一些设置figure大小的方法: 方法1:使用set函数 fig = figure; % 创建一个新的图形窗口set(fig, 'Position', [left bottom width height]); %...