syms x;f1=sym('x^2+1');ezplot(f1);3.运行报错 如下:错误使用 sym>convertChar Character vectors and strings in the first argument can only specify a variable or number. To evaluate character vectors and strings representing symbolic expressions, use 'str2sym'.出错 sym>tomupad (第 1608 行)...
symsx; f1=sym('x^2+1'); ezplot(f1); 3.运行报错 如下: 错误使用 sym>convertChar Character vectors and strings in the first argument can only specify a variable or number. To evaluate character vectors and strings representing symbolic expressions, use 'str2sym'. 出错sym>tomupad(第 1608 ...
syms f; lamda=1550/10^9;%1550nm fs=500*10^6;%500MHz T=400/10^9;%400ns w=sqrt(log(2))/(log(2)*pi*T*fs); M=T*fs; N1=100; N2=1000; N3=10000; CNR=linspace(-40,10,50);%载噪比其实就是信噪比 V_cr1=zeros(1,50); ...
What does Affinity look like before substitution? And please cross-check that rr, theta, phi, and tt are all scalars.
syms x; f1=sym('x^2+1'); ezplot(f1); 3.运行报错 如下: 错误使用sym>convertChar Character vectors and strings in the first argument can only specify a variable or number. To evaluate character vectors and strings representing symbolic expressions, use 'str2sym'. ...
>> r=solve('a*tA2+b*t+c=0','t') 1/2/a*(-b+(bA2-4*a*c)A(1/2)1/2/a*(-b-(bA2-4*a*c)A(1/2)17,用符号计算验证三角等式:(应用syms,simple)sin( 1)cos( 2)-cos( 1)sin( 2) =sin( 1- 2)> > syms phi1 phi2;>> y=simple(sin(phi1)*cos(phi2)-cos(phi1)*...
My problem is the number format coming out of the "subs" is different then the "Double" format needed for Excel so I need a way to convert them. My interface with Excel works flawlessly when no other errors. rr = exlSheet1.Range(['C'num2str(5)]).value; ...
syms txint(exp(-2*t),0,2)int(exp(2*t),0,2)int((x^2-3*x+0.5),-1,1) 实验结果: 分析:syms用于申明变量,int()用于求解积分,参数分别是被积函数、积分下限和积分上限。 8.微分方程组 当t=0时,x1(0)=1,x2(0)=-0.5,求微分方程t在[0,25]上的解...
syms: 定义符号变量 dsolve: 求解常微分方程, 求出符合条件的一个函数 solve: 求解方程组, 可以偷懒了:-) matlab中的''和""是不一样的, 建议以后使用"", 因为s = ["hello", "world"]和['hello', 'world']返回的结果是不一样 linprog -> 使用单纯形法计算出最小的最优解 ...
syms y u t s Y F F = laplace('4*diff(y(t),t) + y(t) - 3*2',s)And it gives me this error:Error using sym>convertChar (line 1821) Character vectors and strings in the first argument can only specify a variable or number. To evalu...