方法一:代码中设置渲染模式 set(gcf,'renderer','painters'); 方法二:matlab命令行进行配置 在matlab命令窗口键入 opengl info,可以查看渲染方式。 1、对于当前matlab有效(重启后失效) 各种OpenGL实现切换方式为:opengl hardwarebasic, opengl software, opengl hardware。 将OpenGL实现改为软件加速,命令窗口键入 opengl ...
set(gcf,'Renderer','OpenGL') %% *** INITIAL CONDITIONS *** disp('Setting initial conditions...'); tstep = 0.01; % this determines the time step at which the solution is given cstep = 0.05; % image capture time interval max_iter = max_time/cstep; % max iteration nstep = cstep/...
set(gcf,'renderer','opengl'); set(get(gca,'child'),'FaceColor','interp','CDataMode','auto'); 参考曲线 p = [1 -2 -1 0]; t = 0:0.1:3; rng default % For reproducibility y = polyval(p,t) + 0.5*randn(size(t)); plot(t,y,'ro') h = refcurve(p); h.Color = 'r'; ...
set(gcf,'renderer','opengl'); set(get(gca,'child'),'FaceColor','interp','CDataMode','auto'); 参考曲线 p = [1 -2 -1 0]; t = 0:0.1:3; rng default % For reproducibility y = polyval(p,t) + 0.5*randn(size(t)); plot(t,y,'ro') h = refcurve(p); h.Color = 'r'; q...
set(gcf,'Renderer','OpenGL') %% *** INITIAL CONDITIONS *** disp('Setting initial conditions...'); tstep = 0.01; % this determines the time step at which the solution is given cstep = 0.05; % image capture time interval max_iter = max...
set(gcf, 'renderer', 'openGl'); % something's wrong catch ME path(prevpath); rethrow(ME); end % reset previous path path(prevpath); end 🎉3 参考文献 部分理论来源于网络,如有侵权请联系删除。 🌈4 Matlab代码及文章阅读...
set(gcf,'Renderer','zbuffer'); %设置光源的着色属性为zbuffer,也可以尝试openGL hsline=streamline(x,y,z,u,v,w,80,30,11); %创建一个从点(80,30,11)开始的流线 xd = get(hsline,'Xdata'); %取得这条流线的x,y,z坐标 yd = get(hsline,'Ydata'); ...
set(gcf,'Renderer','OpenGL') %% Trying Animation of Blocks NoofBlocks = size(map(:,1),1); x_0 = map(1,4); x_1 = map(2,4); y_0 = map(1,5); y_1 = map(2,5); z_0 = map(1,6); z_1 = map(2,6); for i=1:2:NoofBlocks ...
mapping工具箱里有自带的数据 clear;clc;grs80 = almanac('earth','grs80');ax = axesm('globe', 'Geoid', grs80, 'Grid', 'on','GLineStyle','-','Gcolor', 'y');set(ax, 'Position',[0 0 1 1]);view(3);axis equal off vis3d;set(gcf,'Renderer','opengl');load topo ...