方法/步骤 1 新建一个空白figure,定义适中的图片大小代码如下:pic = figure('Name','MyLine','NumberTitle','on','Position',[400 100 600 500]);注意这里需要将figure的句柄导出 2 在figure中画一条示例曲线,并完成基础的标题和坐标轴命名代码如下:...
saveas(gcf, 'example_figure.png'); % 保存图形窗口到PNG文件 12.uipicture 和 saveas:在UI工具...
3.在上一步中,函数图形的可见性(visible)已经关闭(off),也就是被隐藏起来了,接着我们得把plot函数做出的图形给保存起来,具体以.png的格式,看图 4.以我们自己命名图片的名字,本文这次命名为baidu,同时展示效果如图:扩展另一个功能:Matlab给系统自动生成的窗体Figure1改名称 1当我们调用plot(...
export_fig test.png-transparent 效果如下:终于得到了透明的图像 plot(cos(linspace(0,7,1000)));set(gcf, 'Position', [100100150150]);set(gca,'xtick',[],'xticklabel',[]);set(gca,'ytick',[],'yticklabel',[]);set(gca, 'Color', 'none'); % Sets axesbackgroundaxis off; export_fig ...
%方式1 image_name = ['20220630-020000_L_',num2str(i)];%i为循环的次数 saveas(gcf, ['E\' image_name], 'png');%依据循环次数命名不同图片名称,保存到'E\'目录 close(figure); %每次循环显示图片再关闭 %方式2 使用特定分辨率保存图片 image_name = ['20220630-020000_L_',num2str(i),'.png...
fileNameList = saveFigure('foo', gcf, 'ext', {'pdf', 'png', 'svg', 'fig', 'eps', 'hires.png'}); If fileName has no extension, the figure will be saved in multiple formats as specified by the 'ext' parameter value pair. If no 'ext' is specified, the default list is {'pd...
So each figure is saved with chronological numbering (i=1:40). I attached the file saved when I use the command 'saveas', with the background I don't need. What is the problem? Can you help me please? Thank you, Sigal. Sign in to comment.More...
saveas(f,strcat('./figs/vacc_images/expcost_jointdists',num2str(minormax),'_',num2str(dist),'.png'))%close allend%% Probability of greatest cost only (for manuscript reproduction)% requires minormax = 2 beforef4 = figure(5);f4.Position = [400 400 750 500];for dist = 1:ndistssub...
How can I save a figure within app designer?. Learn more about app developer, graphics, save, figure
% 保存figure % 设置长宽 set(gcf,'Units','centimeter','Position',【50,10, W1, H1】); set(gcf,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','centimeter','PaperSize',【W1, H1】) % 按格式保存 saveas(gcf, 【PathFig FileName0 NameIndex0 '.fig'】); ...