% flip - Flip the order of elements. % rot90 - Rotate matrix 90 degrees. % : - Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix. % find - Find indices of nonzero elements. % end - Last index. % sub2ind - Linear index from multiple subscripts. % ind2sub - Multiple subscripts from linear...
MATLAB provides the following functions to sort, rotate, permute, reshape, or shift array contents. FunctionPurpose length Length of vector or largest array dimension ndims Number of array dimensions numel Number of array elements size Array dimensions iscolumn Determines whether input is column vector...
tand-Tangentofargumentindegrees. tanh-Hyperbolic tangent. atan-Inverse tangent. atand-Inverse tangent,resultindegrees. atan2-Four quadrant inverse tangent. atan2d-Four quadrant inverse tangent,resultindegrees. atanh-Inverse hyperbolic tangent. sec-Secant. secd-Secantofargumentindegrees. sech-Hyperbolic se...
flipdim-Flipmatrixalongspecifieddimension. rot90-Rotatematrix90degrees. :-Regularlyspacedvectorandindexintomatrix. find-Findindicesofnonzeroelements. end-Lastindex. sub2ind-Linearindexfrommultiplesubscripts. ind2sub-Multiplesubscriptsfromlinearindex. Multi-dimensionalarrayfunctions. ndgrid-GeneratearraysforN-Dfunction...
rot90-Rotatematrix90degrees. :-Regularlyspacedvectorandindexintomatrix. find-Findindicesofnonzeroelements. end-Lastindex. sub2ind-Linearindexfrommultiplesubscripts. ind2sub-Multiplesubscriptsfromlinearindex. Multi-dimensionalarrayfunctions. ndgrid-GeneratearraysforN-Dfunctionsandinterpolation. ...
For example, assume that the humerus is being rotated in relation to the thorax in the order Y,X,Z and that the rotation about the X-axis is 90 degrees. In such a situation, rotation in the Y-axis is performed first and correctly. The X-axis rotation also occurs correctly BUT ...
因此它的位置和大小是确定的。但是在实际应用中,有可能需要人为地对这个模型在空间中进行旋转、平移或缩放等操作。VTK中有许多和旋转、平移相关的函数,下面一一进行测试。 RotateX、RotateY、RotateZ(绕自身坐标轴旋转) Rotate the Prop3D in degrees about the......
MATLAB主要函数命令一览 一、常用命令集和工具箱 1.general 常用命令General purpose commands 2.elmat 基本矩阵与矩阵操作Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation 3.elfun 基本数学函数Elementary math functions 4.matfun 矩阵函数与数值线性代数Matrix functions-numerical linear algebra 5.polyfun 插值与多项式...
Note that you can also rotate the colors in the colormap. This works by rotating colors on a single one of the three axes by 90 or 180 degrees. For some patches, switching around the colors on the edges of the colormap can really help improve interpretability. You can also switch the ...