% fliplr - Flip matrix in left/right direction. % flipud - Flip matrix in up/down direction. % flip - Flip the order of elements. % rot90 - Rotate matrix 90 degrees. % : - Regularly spaced vector and index into matrix. % find - Find indices of nonzero elements. % end - Last ind...
又旋转90度的,rot90 rot90 Rotate matrix 90 degrees Syntax B = rot90(A)B = rot90(A,k)
diag-Diagonalmatricesanddiagonalsofmatrix. blkdiag-Blockdiagonalconcatenation. tril-Extractlowertriangularpart. triu-Extractuppertriangularpart. fliplr-Flipmatrixinleft/rightdirection. flipud-Flipmatrixinup/downdirection. flipdim-Flipmatrixalongspecifieddimension. rot90-Rotatematrix90degrees. :-Regularlyspacedvectora...
rot90 Rotates matrix 90 degrees shiftdim Shifts dimensions issorted Determines whether set elements are in sorted order sort Sorts array elements in ascending or descending order sortrows Sorts rows in ascending order squeeze Removes singleton dimensions transpose Transpose vectorize Vectorizes expressionExampl...
rot90-Rotatematrix90degrees. :-Regularlyspacedvectorandindexintomatrix. find-Findindicesofnonzeroelements. end-Lastindex. sub2ind-Linearindexfrommultiplesubscripts. ind2sub-Multiplesubscriptsfromlinearindex. Multi-dimensionalarrayfunctions. ndgrid-GeneratearraysforN-Dfunctionsandinterpolation. ...
%%% not let us display a 3D matrix rotated_coronal_slice = rot90(coronal_slice_2D); %%% Roate the slice by 90 degrees, to make it the right way up subplot(3,3,loop_counter); %%% Make a 3x3 array of subplots, %%% and draw into the "loop_counter"-th one ...
Rotate matrix by -90 degrees Rotate a Matrix by -90 degrees Example: X = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 output = 7 4 ... 거의 6년 전 문제를 풀었습니다 Find out sum of prime number till given number Find out sum of prime number till given number Example, if number...
Problem 719. Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees Created by:Reza Ahmadzadeh Tagsmatrix,basic matlab,basics 2 Solutions 12 Size Problem 2736. Pernicious Anniversary Problem Created by:Jan Orwat Tagseasy,sequences,oeis 1 Solution 24 Size Problem 1046. Add two numbers ...
% Rotation matrix R = [cos(angle_rad), -sin(angle_rad); sin(angle_rad), cos(angle_rad)]; % Apply the rotation matrix to the vector rotated_vec = R * vec; end 5. 测试和验证旋转结果的正确性 我们可以创建一个向量,并测试旋转函数是否正确。例如: matlab % Original vector vec = [1...