% Replace 0 with NaN for plotting the results thetaLassoNaN = thetaLasso; thetaLassoNaN(thetaLassoNaN==0) = nan; %% Least squares refinement nzind = find(thetaLasso(:,midind)~=0); % The indexes of non-zero theta components determined by Lasso thetaLS = CUpsilon(:,nzind)\ytilde; %...
but you might usefindif you need the index values for something else in the computation. For example, suppose you want to temporarily replace NaN values with zeros, perform some computation, and then
在 MySQL 中如果创建了符合索引,例如创建复合索引(name,salary,dept),就相当于创建了(name,salary...
方法/步骤 1 首先,你要知道什么是C均值聚类算法,就是那个公式,你最好要能推出来,其次,要明白matlab中自带FCM 的代码含义,在命令窗中输入 edit fcm; 会在M文件中打开,前面是注释function [center, U, obj_fcn] = fcm(data, cluster_n, options)%FCM Data set clustering using fuzzy c-means clusteri...
have an array (10 rows,10 columns,5 bands) and wonder how I can convert the zero values to NaN. I used the following command line but it's not working. If I replace zero values with another value (like 2) it works but for an odd reason is not working with NaN. A(A==0)=NaN...
functiona=checkerboard(n)a=zeros(n);a(1:2:n,1:2:n)=1a(2:2:n,2:2:n)=1end 2.移除某一列(Column Removal) 从矩阵A中移除第n列,然后返回结果为矩阵B。 (Problem 7)Remove the nth column from input matrix A and return the resulting matrix in output B. ...
Problem 46788. Insert zeros Created by:Payam Morsali Tagsinsert 1 Solution 35 Size Problem 710. Replace Vector Elements Created by:Reza Ahmadzadeh Tagsbasic matlab,replace 2 Solutions 31 Size Problem 2980. multiply by three Created by:James Bernard ...
zeros(n) 创建 n 阶零矩阵 zeros(m,n) 创建 mxn 阶零矩阵 ones 的用法与 zeros 类似;用于创建元素均为"1"的矩阵 eye(n) 创建 n 阶单位矩阵 % 根据线性代数的知识可知,单位矩阵必须为方阵 % 但在MatLab中,可以使用 eye 函数来创建类似于单位矩阵的 "mxn 阶单位矩阵" % eye(2,3) % [1 0 0 % ...
We think this is what the customer was asking for, but now we see a potential second problem: the NaN pixels that were entirely surrounded by NaNs in their four- or eight-connectedness, have been replaced with zeros. The computer did what we asked, but not necessarily what we wanted!
In MATLAB, NaN (or, "Not a Number") is used to represent missing data. One of the elements in theusagevariable has a value of NaN. Replace this value with the value 2.74. usage usage = 3.0484 2.5848 2.6408 2.8610 2.5530NaN3.2602 2.7084 2.7345 3.3420 2.8097 2.8019 3.3555 2.9167 2.7960 3.4...