The “updatePolarPlot” MATLAB Function Block contains the logic behind plotting the figure in real time. functionupdatePolarPlot(theta, rho) %persistent figure and axes to maintain the plot between function calls persistenth ax; % Check if the figure and axes are empty and initialize them if ...
matlab realtime plot,%Realtimeplotting.clearallcloseallclcarduino=serial('COM8','BaudRate',9600);%createserialcommunicationobjectonportCOM18fopen(arduino);%initiatearduinocommunicationCM(1)=0;time(1)=0;i=1;tic;while(toc<=100)CM(2)=fsc
as a serial in matlab I am using this file : in embedded side, I am just sending fixed value which is 100 to reduce the error case probabilities as sprintf(str,"%d\n",100);...
[A,map] = rgb2ind(frame2im(getframe),256); imwrite(A,map,'1.gif','LoopCount',65535,'DelayTime',0.1); for ii = 1:length(a)-56 h.XData(ii) = real(a(ii)); h.YData(ii) = imag(a(ii)); [A,map] = rgb2ind(frame2im(getframe),256); imwrite(A,map,'1.gif','WriteMode','...
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(1)subplot(2,1,1)plot(t,real(replica))ylabel('Real (part) of replica')xlabel('time in seconds')gridsubplot(2,1,2)sampling_interval = taup / n; % 采样间隔freqlimit = 0.5/ sampling_interval; % 通过将0.5除以采样间隔,可以计算出信号的最高频率,在这个频率以下的信号可以被准确地表示和恢复...
If it gets too slow please consider the preallocation of XData and YData, fill it with NaN values and when the loop gets to the end of the preallocated data do something to "reset" it, if your script only runs for a short while you don't have to do it.
% 解三角函数方程 clear;clc; syms theta1 x=0;y=670;L1=260;L2=260;L3=150; % 方法一:复杂 eqn = 2*x*(L1+L3)*cos(theta1)+2*y*(L1+L3)*sin(theta1) == x^2+y^2+(L1+L3)^2-L2^2; theta1 = solve(eqn,theta1); theta1 = real(theta1) % 方法二:推荐,简单 eqn = 2*x*(...
(:,1)-time_pressuer_1_7(1,1))*delt_t; %real time1213tap_pressure = P(:,9);1415figure16plot(time, tap_pressure)1718Fs = 130; % 1 / (7.7*e-5*100)19T = 1/Fs;20L =length(tap_pressure);2122P_mean = mean(tap_pressure); % the mean value will appearinthe 0Hz of fft ...