Note: If you read "help fprintf", you find the "See also" line, which mentiones other related commands, e.g.
1、文件的打开与关闭 1)打开文件 在读写文件之前,必须先用fopen函数打开或创建文件,并指定对该文...
EXAMPLE 1: [a,b]= readtext('txtfile', '[,\t]', '#', '"', 'numeric-empty2zero') This will load the file 'txtfile' into variable a, treating any of tab or comma as delimiters. Everything from and including # to the next newline will be ignored. Everything between two double...
下面这个函数是取filein中的第line行写入fileout中的程序,如果想实现取特定几行,只要稍微修改一下就可以。 function dataout=dataread(filein,fileout,line) fidin=fopen(filein,'r'); fidout=fopen(fileout,'w'); nline=0; while ~feof(fidin) % 判断是否为文件末尾 tline=fgetl(fidin); % 从文件...
Example 1: Using TEXTREAD to read in an entire file into a cell array % This command reads in the file fft.m into the cell array, file file = textread('fft.m','%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace',''); CODE: Example 2: Using STRREAD to read the words in a line ...
方法/步骤 1 出现这一报错,一般是因为Excel的COM加载项增多了。我们在安装Foxit Reader、EViews等软件时,在默认情况下,会增加Excel的COM加载项。所以,当MATLAB报错:错误使用xlsread(line249)时,我们需要检查Excel的COM加载项,去掉新增加载项前面的勾选符号。首先,打开工作簿1.xlsx,在菜单栏中,找到文件,...
% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.function varargout = jiemian_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT);% hObject handle to figure% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB%...
import; import; import; import java....
CSVREAD用来读分隔符是逗号的文件,是DLMREAD的特殊情况。当读空格和Tab分隔的电子数据表文件时,DLMREAD特别有用。以'sample_file.txt'为例: CODE:Example 1: Using DLMREAD to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data % This reads in the file 18、 'sample_file2.txt' and creates a ...
The code is run down line by line step by step. There is a lot of code on the script. When we want the code to skip the running of some lines and directly run the following code, we can use the judgment statement in Matlab. ...