line_ex = 'Oranges and lemons,' To reread the same line from the file, first reset the read position indicator back to the beginning of the file. frewind(fid); Use the fgets function to read the first line from the filebadpoem.txt, which reads the line including the newline character...
S = readlines(filename)通过读取一个包含 N 行的文件创建一个 N×1 字符串数组。 示例 S = readlines(filename,Name,Value)基于文件创建一个字符串数组,并通过一个或多个名称-值对组参量指定其他选项。例如,'EmptyLineRule','skip'跳过空行。 示例 ...
I would try to read the entire file in one while loop, line by line, until the end of the file is reached: % Open filesfid = fopen('test.txt');% Read Datai=1;j=1;while(~feof(fid)) line = fgetl(fid);ifstrfind(line,'.')i=i+1;continue;end; s = textscan(line,'%s','del...
8、作 FGETS Read line from file, keep newline character. TLINE = FGETS(FID) returns the next line of a with FID as a MATLAB string. The line terminator is included. Use FGETL to get the next line WITHOUT the line terminator. If just an end-of- encountered then -1 is returned.13MA...
% read in each word of line 28 in 'file' to a cell array, wordswords = strread(file{28},'%s','delimiter','') CODE:Example 3: Using TEXTREAD to read in text and numeric data from a file with headers% This command skips the 2 header lines at the top of the file% and reads ...
Example: Using IMPORTDATA to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data CODE: % This reads in the file 'sample_file2.txt' and creates a % structure D that contains both data and text data. % Note the IMPORTDATA command specifies a white space ...
% read in each word of line 28 in 'file' to a cell array, words words = strread(file{28},'%s','delimiter','') CODE: Example 3: Using TEXTREAD to read in text and numeric data from a file with headers % This command skips the 2 header lines at the top of the file ...
% Read a line of text from the file. % while ( 1 ) text = fgetl ( input_file_unit ); if ( text == -1 ) break end text_num = text_num + 1; % % Replace any control characters (in particular, TAB's) by blanks. %
function dataout=dataread(filein,fileout,line) fidin=fopen(filein,'r'); fidout=fopen(fileout,'w'); nline=0; while ~feof(fidin) % 判断是否为文件末尾 tline=fgetl(fidin); % 从文件读行 nline=nline+1; if nline==line fprintf(fidout,'%s\n',tline); ...