In order to read a file as a string with a single line, you can set the delimiter to an empty string. If you examine the source code of the FILEREAD function, you'll find that it reads the file as an array of characters in binary mode. While reading a text file, you can skip t...
Sometimes the text files I need to read have an irregular format, i.e. it changes row-to-row. MATLAB file reading functions that expect columns of data (e.g readtable), need a uniform format to work. So if this is not the case, you need to read the file line-by-line, then ...
1、文件的打开与关闭 1)打开文件 在读写文件之前,必须先用fopen函数打开或创建文件,并指定对该文...
filename="sonnets.txt";str=extractFileText(filename); 通过提取两个标题I和II之间的文本,来查看第一首十四行诗。 start="I"+newline;fin="II";sonnet1=extractBetween(str,start,fin)sonnet1="Fromfairestcreatureswedesireincrease,Thattherebybeauty'srosemightneverdie,Butastheripershouldbytimedecease,Histende...
load, textread, textscan, sscanf, fscanf, fgets, fgetl, etc.(2) 'load' is suitable for numbers only, regular (MxN), text file.(3) 'textscan' read all lines into a cell structure.(4) 'fgets', 'fgetl' read a single line. 0...
% read in each word of line 28 in 'file' to a cell array, words words = strread(file{28},'%s','delimiter','') CODE: Example 3: Using TEXTREAD to read in text and numeric data from a file with headers % This command skips the 2 header lines at the top of the file % and r...
下面这个函数是取filein中的第line行写入fileout中的程序,如果想实现取特定几行,只要稍微修改一下就可以。 function dataout=dataread(filein,fileout,line) fidin=fopen(filein,'r'); fidout=fopen(fileout,'w'); nline=0; while ~feof(fidin) % 判断是否为文件末尾 ...
I load my file temp3 = regexp(fileread('DT_Diagra_ScanTool_DT62234_T0410_SHAP_001.txt'),'\r?\n','split')'; I got a 680x1 cell I made and index to find the line in whic is the value I wnat. idc = strfind(temp3,'PID 01'); ...
% read in each word of line 28 in 'file' to a cell array, words words = strread(file{28},'%s','delimiter','') CODE: Example 3: Using TEXTREAD to read in text and numeric data from a file with headers % This command skips the 2 header lines at the top of the file ...
fileID = fopen(filename,'r'); %% Read columns of data according to the format. % This call is based on the structure of the file used to generate this % code. If an error occurs for a different file, try regenerating the code % from the Import Tool. dataArray = textscan(fileID,...