while ~feof(fidin) % 判断是否为文件末尾 tline=fgetl(fidin); % 从文件读行 if double(tline(1))>=48&&double(tline(1))<=57 % 判断首字符是否是数值 fprintf(fidout,'%s\n\n',tline); % 如果是数字行,把此行数据写入文件MKMATLAB.txt continue % 如果是非数字继续下一次循环 end end fclose...
,'r');%# open csv file for readingfid2 = fopen('new.csv','w');%# open new csv filewhile~feof(fid1) line = fgets(fid1);%# read line by lineA = sscanf(line,'%*[^,],%f,%f');%# sscanf can read only numeric data :(ifA(2)<4.185%# test the valuesfprintf(fid2,'%s',lin...
CODE: functiondataout=dataread(filein,fileout,line) fidin=fopen(filein,'r'); fidout=fopen(fileout,'w'); nline=0; while~feof(fidin) % 判断是否为文件末尾 tline=fgetl(fidin); % 从文件读行 nline=nline+1; ifnline==line fprintf(fidout,'%s\n',tline); dataout=tline; end end ...
您无法使用csvread读取文本字符串。 这是另一个解决方案:fid1 = fopen('test.csv','r'); %# open csv file for reading fid2 = fopen('new.csv','w'); %# open new csv file while ~feof(fid1) line = fgets(fid1); %# read line by line A = sscanf(line,'%*[^,],%f,%f'...
I would try to read the entire file in one while loop, line by line, until the end of the file is reached: % Open filesfid = fopen('test.txt');% Read Datai=1;j=1;while(~feof(fid)) line = fgetl(fid);ifstrfind(line,'.')i=i+1;continue;end; ...
The code is run down line by line step by step. There is a lot of code on the script. When we want the code to skip the running of some lines and directly run the following code, we can use the judgment statement in Matlab. ...
Use the fgets function to read the first line from the filebadpoem.txt, which reads the line including the newline character. line_in = fgets(fid)% read line including newline character line_in = 'Oranges and lemons, ' Compare the output by examining the lengths of the lines returned by...
Example 1: Using TEXTREAD to read in an entire file into a cell array % This command reads in the file fft.m into the cell array, file file = textread('fft.m','%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace',''); CODE:Example 2: Using STRREAD to read the words in a line% This command ...
例子:CODE:Example 1: Using TEXTREAD to read in an entire file into a cell array% This command reads in the file fft.m into the cell array, file file = textread('fft.m','%s','delimiter','n','whitespace',''); CODE:Ex 12、ample 2: Using STRREAD to read the words in a line% ...
Read lines of file as string array Since R2020b collapse all in page Syntax S = readlines(filename) S = readlines(filename,Name,Value) Description S = readlines(filename)creates an N-by-1 string array by reading an N-line file. ...