声音档和Video档的读与写byMatlab 聲音檔和Video檔的讀與寫(byMatlab)作者:丁建均 國立台灣大學電信工程學研究所 1 一、聲音檔(*.wav)的讀取 •電腦中,大部分的聲音檔都是*.wav的型態•讀取:wavread •例:[x,fs]=wavread('C:\WINDOWS\Media\ringin.wav');可以將ringin.wav以數字向量x來呈現。
Includes 2 functions to write and read MP3 files. It works like the commands WAVWRITE and WAVREAD. 1.- Just unpack in the toolbox folder under the MATLAB directory. 2.- Set the MATLAB search path to include that folder. This version was made in MATLAB for WINDOWS only. Cite As Alfred...
current_image = readFrame(vid); edge(current_image); 動画処理は、エッジ検出を使用した例のように非常に単純な場合もあれば、前のフレーム内のオブジェクトの位置を考慮する必要がある追跡アルゴリズムのように、非常に複雑な場合もあります。 高度な動画処理の詳細については、以下の例を参照...
video = read(v,index) 只读取 index 指定的帧。 video = read(___,'native') 以 VideoFormat 属性指定的格式返回数据,并且可以包含上述语法中的任何输入参数。 创建一个视频读取器对象,并使用帧索引读取一个或多个视频帧。为示例影片文件 abc.mp4 创建一个VideoReader 对象。 v = VideoReader('abc.mp4')...
for i = 1:nFrameRead; % 将图像重新生成视频文件 fname = strcat('new//F_new',num2str(i),'.jpg'); im = imread(fname); writeVideo(myobj,im); end 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
writeVideo(myobj,im);end 下一个按钮的回调函数: functionnext_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to next (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)persistentj;ifisempty(j)j=0...
MATLAB provides the following input and output related commands −CommandPurpose disp Displays contents of an array or string. fscanf Read formatted data from a file. format Controls screen-display format. fprintf Performs formatted writes to screen or file. input Displays prompts and waits for ...
就这样;(我在我机子上运行了一次,储存地址改了,你自己改回来吧) clc;clear all;close all; mov = VideoReader('C:\Users\epwqe_000\Desktop\MatlabAsa\sssss.avi');%改地址 fnum = mov.NumberOfFrames;% for i = 1:5:fnum frame = read(mov, i); imshow(frame); imwrit...
installed on the computer with OS X Lion. When I uninstalled DivX, MATLAB was able to read ...
ft_volumewrite.m ft_wizard.m homer2fieldtrip.m imotions2fieldtrip.m loreta2fieldtrip.m nutmeg2fieldtrip.m spass2fieldtrip.m spm2fieldtrip.m xdf2fieldtrip.m FieldTrip FieldTrip is the MATLAB software toolbox for MEG and EEG analysis that is being developed at the Donders Institute for Brain, Co...