I need to plot data in a bar plot with two Y axis. Morevover the bar must be grouped, like in the following picture: http://it.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2014b/examples/graphics/BarGraphof2DArrayExample_01.png I have tried the following code but the result is far to be fine. ...
Accepted Answer:Chunru Cartel1.xlsx Open in MATLAB Online I have one table with several regions, and the values distribution for each year (from 2010 to 2019). I would like to get line plot with to y-axis left regions name, to right values. While x-axis there are years. ...
[AX,H1,H2] = plotyy(___) returns handles to the two axes created in AX, and a handle to the graphics object for each plot in H1 and H2. AX(1) is the left axes and AX(2) is the right axes. 4、polarplot——极坐标中绘制线条 polarplot - draw lines in polar coordinates polarpl...
1、plot(x, y); // 画图后用axis函数设置坐标轴的范围。2、axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]); % 设置坐标轴在指定的区间。3、xmin、xmax 表示设置横坐标的最小最大值。4、ymin、ymax 表示设置纵坐标的最小最大值。
I am struggling to plot my data on Two y-Axis. Can you someone please help me out. U wind velocity component for each location and altitude is store in the variable Uw (lon,lat,P) and the V wind velocity component is stored in the variable Vw(lon,lat,P_range). My desire is ...
clc;clear;close all; x=0:0.1:pi; y=sin(x)); h1 = figure(1); % 创建画布,画布编号为1 set(h1,'pos',[350 250 850 340]); plot(x,y,,'r-','linewidth',2,'Marker','s','MarkerFaceColor','w','MarkerEdgeColor','g','MarkerSize',10); xlabel('Time [% of stance duration]','Fo...
plot(x,y1,'k:',x,y2,'b--',x1,y3,'rp'); 复制 在该plot函数中包含了3组绘图参数,第一组用黑色虚线画出两条包络线,第二组用蓝色双划线画出曲线y,第三组用红色五角星离散标出数据点。 例: 设置正弦曲线的线宽为 3,设置上三角形进行数据点的标记,并设置标记 ...
Place the x- and y- axes variables for each axis in an array by column instead of dealing with each individually. Even better would be to use arrays rather than individual variable names from the git-go; simplifies much in Matlab coding.
How to combine two plots with different y-axis,... Learn more about spline, interpolation, plotyy, two y axes, graph
For example, create two plots and assign the axes objects to the variablesax1andax2. Change the axes font size andx-axis color for the first plot. Add grid lines to the second plot. x = linspace(0,10,50); y1 = sin(x); y2 = rand(50,1); tiledlayout(2,1)% Top plotax1 = nex...