MATLAB Online에서 열기 Matab does not currently offer a second x axis. You can create two duplicate axes and place the x-ticks of the bottom axis on top. Then, scale the second set of x-values to align with the ticks of the first set of x-values. Here's a demo. The...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hi all, I need to plot data in a bar plot with two Y axis. Morevover the bar must be grouped, like in the following picture: ...
In this case, you need to select a particular location (lon,lat) and plot them still using function yyaxis. The example below shows the wind velocity components at location (10,20) and use the values of P_range as x-axis (First figure). If the actual values of P_range is not import... Description yyaxis leftactivates the side of the current axes associated with the lefty-axis. Subsequent graphics commands target the left side. If the current axes do not include t...
Open in MATLAB Online Hello, below you can see the structure of my plot. At the moment Im using the same y axis for every plot but I want to use two different y axis. One for the bar plot (patch...) and a second one for the other plots. How can i do this?
Open in MATLAB Online Perhaps @dpb you could help me also... I want to do a similar thing but I am not having issues of axis plaement, rather I cannot get my values to plot to the correct axis. I have four data sets to plot, and three of them need to plot to the f...
So in this way, we can plot any type of chart or bar as per our requirement with different color combinations. Conclusion We hope from this article; you learn the Matlab Y axis. From the above article, we have learned the basic syntax of the yyaxis, and we also see different examples ...
What do you want to plot? I don't see that in your code either. What I did here is to make sure the x axis is properly populated so you can replace the tick label with what you want. You can technically plot anything here as long as you use the desire...
You mentioned that you want numbers that you have mentioned in the legend section, to be placed on the right y axis of the plot with the scale that you see in the attached picture. Example code % Adding numbers to the right y-axis yyaxis right; yticks([20 50 80]); % Define the ...
plot is made by plotting the fraction failing (CDF) of one distribution vs the fraction failing (CDF) of another distribution.