绘制要表现在这一侧 y 轴范围内的曲线【plot】; 设置这一侧 y 轴的范围【ylim】; 修改这一侧 y 轴的刻度线与数字颜色,使之和曲线对应【yticklabels('\color{ red or blue or ...}')】。 这里的 trick 在于,一个图里最多可以容纳两个纵轴,这样绘制含两条曲线的图是没有问题的。在曲线数目多于两条...
使用plot或其他相关函数绘制第一个数据集。如果使用plotyy函数,可以在创建图形的同时绘制第一个数据集: matlab figure; [AX, H1, H2] = plotyy(x, y1, x, y2); 或者使用yyaxis函数: matlab figure; yyaxis left; plot(x, y1, '-r'); % 在左侧Y轴上绘制红色曲线 3. 添加第二个Y轴 对于ploty...
I am creating a plot with a line plot on the left y-axis and a bar plot on the right y-axis. I am doing this using: 테마복사 line1 = plot(x,y); yyaxis right bar1 = bar(x,z); This results in the bar plot on top of the line. So I tried: 테마복사 ui...
例1.需要采用图形句柄,详细内容参考MATLAB帮助文件有关plotyy的例程%Thisexamplegraphstwomathematicalfunctionsusingplotastheplottingfunction.Thetwoy-axes%enableyoutodisplaybothsetsofdataononegrapheventhoughrelativevaluesofthedataarequite%different.x=0:0.01:20;y1=200*exp(-0 12、.05*x).*sin(x);y2=0.8*...
1) And probably(?) simplest -- put the data all in one array; scale them to fit on the one axes based on the desired scale for the two. Then put the second axes on manually with its scale for display only. 2) Make the x-axes commensurate; put the same number of bars in each ...
plotyy(X1, Y1,X2,Y2,'function1','function2') // It uses function1(X1, Y1) to plot the information for the left-axis and function2(X2,Y2) to plot the information for the right axis. [AX, H1, H2] = plotyy(...) // It returns the handles of the two axes generated in AX...
%%This example graphs two mathematical functions using plot as the plotting function. The two y-axes %%enable you to display both sets of data on one graph even though relative values of the data are quite %%different. x = 0:0.01:20; y1 = 200*exp(-0.05*x).*sin(x); y2 = 0.8*exp...
Plot 是绘制一维曲线的基本函数,但在使用此函数之前,我们需先定义曲线上每一点的x及y座标。下例可画出一条正弦曲线: close all; %linspace(5,100,20)和5:5:100的区别在于前者已知元素总个数而不知道步长,后者已知步长不知元素个数,这两者的效果是一样的 ...