1 step1 打开App Designer在matlab的命令行窗口中,输入‘appdesigner’进入app designer设计界面 2 step2 选择坐标轴控件在app designer的控件列表中,选中“坐标轴二维”控件 3 step3 放置控件在设计视图中,放置好控件位置并调整好控件大小。调整控件大小时,单击四周出现圆点即可调整大小 4 step4 放置按钮控件以step...
Matab does not currently offer a second x axis. You can create two duplicate axes and place the x-ticks of the bottom axis on top. Then, scale the second set of x-values to align with the ticks of the first set of x-values. Here's a demo. The order of many of these steps...
% XLABELS is a cell array containing the two x-labels % YLABELS is a cell array containing the two y-labels % %The optional output handle graphics objects AX,HL1,HL2 %allow the user to easily change the properties of the plot. % %Example: Plot temperature T and salinity S % as a ...
绘制要表现在这一侧 y 轴范围内的曲线【plot】; 设置这一侧 y 轴的范围【ylim】; 修改这一侧 y 轴的刻度线与数字颜色,使之和曲线对应【yticklabels('\color{ red or blue or ...}')】。 这里的 trick 在于,一个图里最多可以容纳两个纵轴,这样绘制含两条曲线的图是没有问题的。在曲线数目多于两条...
Now, my question is what I should do if I want to have a plot with 2 x-axes, both at the bottom but representing the same for both x1 and x2. Say, at x1 = 0.06, I want x2 = 9 from X axis 2 to be directly under the value x1. I also want each value of x1 and...
I am creating a plot with a line plot on the left y-axis and a bar plot on the right y-axis. I am doing this using: 테마복사 line1 = plot(x,y); yyaxis right bar1 = bar(x,z); This results in the bar plot on top of the line. So I tried: 테마복사 ui...
clc;clear;close all; x=0:0.1:pi; y=sin(x)); h1 = figure(1); % 创建画布,画布编号为1 set(h1,'pos',[350 250 850 340]); plot(x,y,,'r-','linewidth',2,'Marker','s','MarkerFaceColor','w','MarkerEdgeColor','g','MarkerSize',10); xlabel('Time [% of stance duration]','Fo...
Plot blood pressure readings for the smokers and nonsmokers. To define twox-axes for plotting, call the MATLABlinspacefunction. You can plot the 34 smokers and 66 nonsmokers on the same scatter plot. sdx = eng.linspace(1.0,34.0,34) ...
例1.需要采用图形句柄,详细内容参考MATLAB帮助文件有关plotyy的例程%Thisexamplegraphstwomathematicalfunctionsusingplotastheplottingfunction.Thetwoy-axes%enableyoutodisplaybothsetsofdataononegrapheventhoughrelativevaluesofthedataarequite%different.x=0:0.01:20;y1=200*exp(-0 12、.05*x).*sin(x);y2=0.8*...
axes(handles.axes3);%%handles.axes3为指定的那个坐标轴可以为handles.axes2、handles.axes1等 plot(x,y);%这就可以了