1);fork=1:NMarker% 取出当前点坐标xk=x(PM(k));yk=y(PM(k));% 平移displacement=[xk-Cx,yk...
Examples of Matlab Plot Marker Given below are the examples of matlab plot marker: Example #1 a = linspace (0,5,10); b= a*2+sin(2*a); plot (a, b,’-o’) Output: This will plot a line graph with all the points marked in a circle format, which is usually known as circle ma...
(gcf,'Name','abc','NumberTitle','off'); %设置figure的名称 f1.MenuBar = 'none'; % 关闭菜单栏 p1 = plot(t,a,'-o','MarkerIndices',1:4:length(a)); % 绘点线图,并设置显示1/4数量的点,根据采样点数量修改 p1.LineWidth = 1.5; % 设置线宽 p1.Color = color(1,:); % 设置自定义...
'MarkerFaceColor' - 标记填充颜色 'MarkerSize' - 标记大小 grid on/off 网格开关 box on/off 图象的右上角和左上角边界开关 figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'S Parameter (dB) - Cartesian') figure的名称 极坐标系 ploarplot load(fullfile(matlabroot,'examples','matlab','antennaData.mat')...
clc;clear;close all; x=0:0.1:pi; y=sin(x)); h1 = figure(1); % 创建画布,画布编号为1 set(h1,'pos',[350 250 850 340]); plot(x,y,,'r-','linewidth',2,'Marker','s','MarkerFaceColor','w','MarkerEdgeColor','g','MarkerSize',10); xlabel('Time [% of stance duration]','Fo...
Marker colors, specified as one of these values: 'auto'— For each marker, use the same color as the corresponding text labels. 'none'— Do not show markers. RGB triplet — Use the same color for all the markers in the plot. An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose element...
plot([1 2 3 4 5 6],[0 3 1 6 4 10],'--or') You do not need to specify all three aspects of the line. For example, if you specify only the marker, the plot displays the markers with the default color and no line.
figureplot(curve,'r-',LineWidth=2);figureimagesc(~map)hold onplot(state_mark(:,2),state_mark(:,1),'c-',LineWidth=2);colormap('gray')scatter(start_state_pos(2),start_state_pos(1),'MarkerEdgeColor',[001],'MarkerFaceColor',[001],'LineWidth',1);%start pointscatter(target_state_pos(...
plot(x,'p') 1. 2. plot(x,'p','LineWidth',2,'MarkerEdgeColor','r','MarkerFaceColor','g','MarkerSize',12) 1. clc; clear all; close all; x = 0:0.1:10; y1 = 2*sin(x)+0.1; y2 = x.*y1; y3 = cos(x)./(x+0.1); ...
Default shapes for scatter plots are circles. If we need some other shape like a square, this function can be used. We just need to specify the marker e.g. we can get Square shape with argument ‘s’ in the function. Example: