In my code,my markers position in a separate legend.I want to put the marker legend on the same line plot legend(MSD50) . F = openfig("MSD2.fig"); MarkerIndices = 1:50:length(timeps); holdon; plot(timeps(markerIndices), MSD50(markerIndices),'Marker','o','LineStyle','none',... ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: Perhaps this — x = (0:10); y = rand(11,2); figure plot(x, y(:,1),'-g','DisplayName','$i_a^{true}$','LineWidth',2) holdon plot(x, y(:,2),'--b','DisplayName','$i_a\ for\ \widehat{r_l}=1.0$','LineWidth',2) ...
The functionscatter(x,y)produces a scatter plot with circular markers placed where the vectors x and y are specified. Set x and y as equal-length vectors to plot a single set of coordinates. We must specify at least one x or y as a matrix in order to plot various coordinate sets on ...
MarkerSizeis used to control the overall size of markers, just like the overall width of a line withLineWidthor font size. The units are in points, just likeLineWidth. Scatter is used to actually scale the marker sizes based on data. Specifically, the area of the marker is proportional ...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: Hi @Jonathan Bessette, To make such a legend, you will have to use the "findobj" function to obtain handles to the different elements of the "boxplot" and then add a legend for each. Please try the following ...
together helps correlate the trends between the two. There are many ways of representing the data on a plot, including using individual markers to represent unique data points or connecting each data point with a line. Learn how to represent the data using individual markers in a MATLAB plot....
When using RGBA values, the alpha value is not saved so when the figure loads, the color will lack transparency. Due to how figures in a live script work, this limitation prevents the use of undocumented RGBA color-alpha values in the live editor.Unfortunately...
To create colors manually and assign them to the marker values, start with the RGB values of last desired color in the shade, say light pink for example (i.e. [255, 192, 203]), and then scale the values down to the range of [0,1]. This can then be u...
Open in MATLAB Online Note that this only works up to a certain size. When using 15 instead of 10, the legend markers are clearly smaller than the plot markers. plot(magic(4),'o','MarkerSize',15); l = legend('a','b','c','d'); ...