Function plotted over the range from −4 to 4. It has a maximum value of 4 × 106. >> x = -4:0.0011:4; >> y =1./(((x+2.5).^2).*((x-3.5).^2))+1./((x-1).^2); >> plot(x,y) >> ylim([0,10]) Fig. 1.5 shows how the Matlab statement ylim([0,10]) ...
(二)Plot from “Data” 1、MATLAB does not understand functions f(t)=sin(2Πt) 2、Strategies (1)Generate the numeric values of a function over a specific range(在特定范围内生成函数的数值) (2)Display the data “points” in a graphical way(以图形方式显示数据“点”) (三)plot(绘图) 1...
Function tolerance 在迟滞代数内适应度函数值的改变量小于这个值,则停止; Constraint tolerance 约束容忍值; Plot function 绘图函数 Plot interval 绘图间隔; Best fitness 最佳适应度值; Best individual 最佳个体; Distance 个体间平均距离; Expectation 期望; Genealogy 家系; Range 适应度值最小最大平均值; Score ...
实例代码: %% plot trace heatmapload('mousePos-timeStep6.mat');blurSig=8;heatField=zeros(length(yRange),length(xRange));forii=1:size(mousePos,1)-1tmpFrame=mousePos(ii,:);nextFrame=mousePos(ii+1,:);x=[tmpFrame(1),nextFrame(1)];y=[tmpFrame(2),nextFrame(2)];% Determine x and...
PicoScope 5000 series data and DFT plot Post-capture – analyzing waveform data Signal Processing Toolbox also provides functions to find overshoot, undershoot, pulse width and duty cycle of a waveform. Here, the overshoot function plots and annotates a sub-section of the waveform ...
functionout=scatplot(x,y,method,radius,N,n,po,ms)% Scatter plot with color indicating data density%% USAGE:% out = scatplot(x,y,method,radius,N,n,po,ms)% out = scatplot(x,y,dd)%% DESCRIPTION:% Draws a scatter plot with a colorscale% representing the data density computed% using thr...
pivot Function: Display empty groups in pivoted table pivot Function: Specify row names for pivoted table as row group names stackedplot Function: Plot events associated with timetables Timetable Events: Perform calculations directly on event tables without extracting their data containsrange, overlapsran...
Inspired: Plot Pressure Distribution (Cp) Over an Airfoil / Aerofoil ; Vector Plot ; Arrow Plot, draw, Phase Portrait Plotter on 2D phase plane, Semismooth* Newton method for contact friction problems, Evenly Spaced Streamlines, Random Boolean Network Toolbox, arrowflow, quiver2.m v1.2 (Nov ...
% 3 Piecewise equation curve fitting, global optimal solution clc close all clear all % Load data filename = 'dataset1.xlsx'; data = readtable(filename, 'Range', 'A:B'); x_data = table2array(data(:, 1)); y_data = table2array(data(:, 2)); % Plot data % % [left, bottom...