'filled'); xlabel('X Axis'); ylabel('Y Axis'); title('Grid-like Scatter Plot');...
plot(axis_unique,data_axis(:,1),'LineWidth',2)ylabel('Adsorption Amount of N_{2} (mol/kg)...
% 给定一个x的范围,指定步长为1/400 y1 = 0.6 * abs(x) .^ 0.5 + ((1 - x .^ 2) / 2) .^ 0.5; % 爱心的上半部分 y2 = 0.6 * abs(x) .^ 0.5 - ((1 - x .^ 2) / 2) .^ 0.5; % 爱心的下半部分 fill([x, flip(x)], [y1, y2], 'r') % 利用fill()函数画出爱心。
plot(x,y,'.'); % 画图 axis([0 1 0 1]); % 坐标轴 t = 1:n; ts = 1:1/10:n; xs = spline(t,x,ts); % 三次方样条插值 ys = spline(t,y,ts); % 三次方样条插值 hold on; % 在原本已有图片的基础上画图 plot(xs,ys,'r'); % 画图 hold off; % 解除在原本已有图片的基础上...
so as stated above when I am trying to plot a graph of a wave, I want to reflect the down dips in the graph to be upwards, is there anyway of doing that directly? 댓글 수: 2 Ameer Hamza 2018년 4월 27일 Can you show the shape of the graph...
To find minima-values of an array I multiplied my array with -1 and used findpeaks. To graphically show the minimas I want to reverse the findpeaks-plot but can't figure out how. Any suggestions? E_bat3 = E_bat2.*(-1); findpeaks(E_bat3(winter_hours)) %Graph I want to flip. ...
•fliplr:左右方向翻转矩阵(flip:翻转)。 •flipud:上下方向翻转矩阵。 •rot90:逆时针把矩阵旋转90度。 9、专用变量和常量 •ans:最新答案。 •pi:圆周率。 •i,j:复数单位。 •inf:无穷大。 •NaN:不定数。 •isnan:判断不定数。
settings.UI.plot.ax.highlightColor RGB (0-255) or RGBA (including opacity) color for highlight on plot with context indicating which data recorded during validation was used for data quality calculations. settings.UI.plot.ax.axisLbls.x X-axis label. settings.UI.plot.ax.axisLbls.offset Y-ax...
flipud Flip matrix in up/down direction. 将矩阵上下翻转, 类似还有阁下翻转 fliplr, rot90, flipdim. flipud(X) returns X with columns preserved and rows flipped in the up/down direction. For example, X = 1 4 becomes 3 6 2 5 2 5
% % flip width and height to make width the fastest dimension % im_data = permute(im_data, [2, 1, 3]); % % convert from uint8 to single % im_data = single(im_data); % % reshape to a fixed size (e.g., 227x227).