Matlab用imagesc函数画图时,一般将图像矩阵的起点(1,1) 画在左上角,如果该点代表的实际位置是物体的左下角,那么Matlab所画的看起来就是倒立的图像,因此需要翻转Y轴。 以下介绍几种方法可以实现这一功能: (1) axis ydirection axis xy : 默认顺序,y轴的值从下往上递增 axis ij : 反向,y轴的值从上往下递...
4.axis ydirection 其中ydirection为ij,即将原点放在坐标区的左上角。y值按从上到下的顺序逐渐增加。 ydirection的默认值为xy,即将原点放在左下角。y值按从下到上的顺序逐渐增加。 5.axis visibility 其中visibility为off,即关闭坐标区背景的显示。而坐标区中的绘图仍会显示。visibility的默认值为on,即显示坐标区...
imagesc(T,p,eta) which produces the follwing image: Now I want to flip the y-axis so that 50 is at the bottom and 250 is at the top. The Image should flip as well. Using 테마복사 eta=flipud(eta) T=[360 660] p=[64 250] p=fliplr[p] imagesc(T,p,eta) doesn't work...
方法一 方法二 加一行代码: set(gca,‘YDir’,‘normal’) 参考自:
xvalues=round(linspace(x(1),x(2),nPoints));yvalues=round(linspace(y(1),y(2),nPoints));tmpIdx=sub2ind(size(heatField),yvalues,xvalues);heatField(tmpIdx)=heatField(tmpIdx)+1;% Path integrationendheatFieldBlur=imgaussfilt(heatField,blurSig);figure(10);imagesc(heatFieldBlur);axisimage;...
For example: ThemeCopy load clown imagesc(X) colormap(map) Instead of the y-axis increasing from top to bottom, I would like to have it decreasing from top to bottom.Sign in to answer this question.Accepted Answer MathWorks Support Team on 29 Jul 2010 Vote 1 Link Open in ...
②ezplot(f,[a,b]):在区间 a < x < b a<x<b a<x
imagesc(B); cb = colorbar; cb.Layout.Tile = 'east'; 图第一眼看上去没什么问题,但仔细看发现,它依旧是分别画的每张图,上图中的数字9与下图中的12依旧是一个颜色。同时标签只是与下面这张图是对应的。 接下来我们尝试使用caxis函数,让我们看下caxis的官方文档是怎么说的:设置当前坐标区的颜色图范围。
将y1与y2的曲线画到文件名为figure1和figure2的两个文件中 34 axis([0.5 1 -1 1]) 设定x轴范围为0.5~1,y轴范围为-1~1 35 clf Clear current figure. 36 imagesc(A) imagesc Scale data and display as image. 把矩阵A画成黑色小方格
Repository files navigation README This is a collection of MATLAB utilities developed by Kendrick Kay (, The philosophy of the code is to maximize power (i.e. the ability to perform many different things) and generality (i.e. the ability to...