Capsaicin Plot Tools for Matlab Capsaicin (CPS) Plot Tools facilitate many common tasks in the creation of scientific figures, often with no more than a single command. Examples are lettering multi-panel figures, scaling panel axis limits to a global minimum and maximum, and adding reference line...
axis([x-min,x-max,y-min,y-max])可以控制图形显示的坐标轴的范围。 axis square : 控制横纵坐标比例为1:1(输入axis(‘normal’)后返回一般状态)。 axis tight : sets the axis limits to the range of the data. ────────────────────────────────────...
plot(x,y); axis([-50 50 -50 300]) box off % Here are 9 obnoxious examples of how to use ntitle: ntitle('Title 1'); ntitle('{\it Title 2}','location','northwest'); ntitle('Title 3 ','location','northeast','fontsize',10,'edgecolor','b'); ntitle(' Title 4 ','...
Plot the piecewise expression erf(x)+cos(y)sin(x)+cos(y)−5<x<00<x<5 over -5<y<5. Specify the plotting interval as the second input argument offsurf. When you plot multiple surfaces over different intervals in the same axes, the axis limits adjust to include all the data. ...
dd(k) =1/a;end%ifend%forend%switchreturn%~~~ Graf Scatter Plot ~~~functionvarargout=gsp(x,y,c,ms)%Graphs scattered poitsmap = colormap; ind =fix((c-min(c))/(max(c)-min(c))*(size(map,1)-1))+1; h = [];%much more ...
% JRI 3/17/07 Preserve caxis after freezing--maintains colorbar scale (v 2.3)% JRI 4/12/07 Check for painters mode as Matlab doesn't support rgb in it.% JRI 4/9/08 Fix preserving caxis for objects within hggroups (e.g. contourf)% JRI 4/7/10 Change ...
% Draws a scatter plot with a colorscale % representing the data density computed % using three methods % % INPUT VARIABLES: % x,y - are the data points % method - is the method used to calculate data densities: % 'circles' - uses circles with a determined area ...
caxis([min(z(:)), max(z(:))]) tick = linspace(double(min(z(:))),double(max(z(:))),5); colorbar('YTick',fix(tick),'Location','SouthOutside'); xlabel('x: Columns','Rotation',15,'FontWeight','bold'), ylabel('y: Rows ','Rotation',-25,'FontWeight','bold') ...