1、plot(x, y); // 画图后用axis函数设置坐标轴的范围。2、axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]); % 设置坐标轴在指定的区间。3、xmin、xmax 表示设置横坐标的最小最大值。4、ymin、ymax 表示设置纵坐标的最小最大值。
可以将多个输入参数结合使用,例如 axis image ij。选项从左到右进行计算。后面的选项会覆盖前面的选项设置的属性。 如果坐标区不存在,则 axis 函数会创建坐标区。 使用hold on 避免绘图函数覆盖预设的坐标轴范围。 二.说明 代码语言:javascript 复制 axis(limits)指定当前坐标区的范围。以包含4个、6个或8个元素的...
% 设置x轴范围为0到10,y轴范围为-5到5 axis([0, 10, -5, 5]); 复制代码 另外,也可以在绘图时直接指定坐标轴范围,例如: % 绘制曲线 x = 0:0.1:10; y = sin(x); plot(x, y); % 设置x轴范围为0到10,y轴范围为-1到1 xlim([0, 10]); ylim([-1, 1]); 复制代码 0 赞 0 踩最新...
%plot(r,h1/NumPixels,'-r','LineWidth',2); %hold on area(r,h2/NumPixels,'Facecolor','g'); hold on %plot(r,h2/NumPixels,'-g','LineWidth',2); %hold on area(r,h3/NumPixels,'Facecolor','b'); %plot(r,h3/NumPixels,'-b','LineWidth',2); legend({'R component','G component...
('幅值增益','FontSize', 10, 'FontName', '微软雅黑', 'FontWeight','bold') plot(x,y,'b','linewidth',1);%绘图线性大小与颜色 set(gca, 'Fontsize', 8); %更改X轴和Y轴的标签字体大小 xlim([0 time(end)]); %x轴显示范围设置 %调整坐标显示范围: axis([minX maxX minY maxY]) axis([...
Set Axis Limits Copy Code Copy Command Plot the sine function. Get x = linspace(0,2*pi); y = sin(x); plot(x,y,'-o') Change the axis limits so that the x-axis ranges from 0 to 2π and the y-axis ranges from -1.5 to 1.5. Get axis([0 2*pi -1.5 1.5]) Add Padding ...
Quiver Plot Thequiverfunction plots 2-D vectors as arrows. x = -2:.2:2; y = -1:.2:1; [xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y); zz = xx.*exp(-xx.^2-yy.^2); [px,py] = gradient(zz,.2,.2); quiver(x,y,px,py) xlim([-2.5 2.5])% set limits of x axis ...
Call caxis to get the current color limits. Set the interpolation method used by contourslice to linear to match the default used by slice. color_lim = caxis; cont_intervals = linspace(color_lim(1),color_lim(2),17); hcont = contourslice(x,y,z,wind_speed,xmax,ymin,... ...
plot(xdata(1:10:end),ysamp(1:10:end),'r.'); legend('拟合','主瓣位置'); axis([0,20,-8,8]); grid on xlabel('z/mm'); ylabel('x/um'); 24_008m 4.本算法原理 魏纳函数(Wavelet函数)和焦线方法在自适应光束加速中起着重要作用,主要应用于光学成像、光操控和光束聚焦、光束整形等领域...
('sin(x)');axis ([0,2*pi,-1,1]); subplot(2,2,2); plot(x,z);title('cos(x)');axis ([0,2*pi,–1,1]); subplot(2,2,3); plot(x,t);title('tangent(x)');axis ([0,2*pi,-40,40]); subplot(2,2,4); plot(x,ct);title('cotangent(x)');axis ([0,2*pi,-40,40...