colormap(slanCM('rainbow')) 进行颜色修改: % demo1surf(peaks,'EdgeColor','w','EdgeAlpha',.3)% 使用slanCM的彩虹配色colormap(slanCM('rainbow'))% 修饰一下ax=gca;ax.Projection='perspective';ax.LineWidth=1.2;ax.XMinorTick='on';ax.YMinorTick='on';ax.ZMinorTick='on';ax.GridLineStyle=':...
colorMapName = jsonData.plot.colorMap; % 检查用户输入是否为 MATLAB 内置的 colormap try % 尝试使用内置 colormap color = colormap(colorMapName); catch % 如果不是内置 colormap,则从 color_maps.mat 文件中加载 S = load("color_maps.mat", colorMapName); ifisfield(S, colorMapName) color =...
% demo5t=linspace(0,5*pi,200);% 116 190 402 162C=nclCM(15,50);ax=gca;holdonfori=1:50plot(t,sin(t)+i.*.1,'Color',C(i,:),'LineWidth',2);end% 坐标区域修饰ax.YLim=[0,5];ax.XLim=[0,5*pi];ax.YTick=0:.5:5;ax.XTick=0:1:15;% ax.XGrid='on';ax.YGrid='on';a...
colorbar If you want to plot it on same figure, you have to usehold on.As you are plotting only a matrix, it will plot wrt indices and you wont be able to see the plot peroperly. So in your case, you may use: figure foridx=1:length(AllMatrix) ...
plot(x, fShifted, 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'color', 'k', 'HandleVisibility', 'off'); yline(i * p, '-.', 'LineWidth', 1, 'HandleVisibility', 'off'); currentColorMap = colorMaps{i}; for j = 1:length(x)-1 Xfill = [x(j), x(j+1), x(j+1), x(j)]; Yfill = [i * p,...
copper: A colormap that transitions from dark to light copper tones. You can apply any of these colormaps to your plot by passing their name as an argument to thecolormapfunction: % Create a matrixM=magic(7);% Create a 2D plot using the 'jet' colormapimagesc(M);colormap('jet');co...
给⼤家⼀个⾮常好⽤的matlab程序(⼀个figure中画多幅图,colormap如 何设置)function freezeColors(varargin)% freezeColors Lock colors of plot, enabling multiple colormaps per figure. (v2.3)% % Problem: There is only one colormap per figure. This function provides % an easy sol...
A colormap is a matrix of values that define the colors for graphics objects such as surface, image, and patch objects. MATLAB draws the objects by mapping data values to colors in the colormap. Dozens of different colormap color maps are preset in Matlab, as shown in Fig:今天的分享就到...
Starting in r2019b, there is a new colororder() function that can set the axes ColorOrder property. As well, by default changing the ColorOrder will affect lines that have already been drawn. (I do not recall at the moment how to turn that off)
% plot(x,y,'color',rgb('orange')) plots an orange line through x and y % rgb chart shows all the colors % BACKGROUND % The color names of [1] have already been ratified in [2], and % according to [3] they are accepted by almost all web browsers and are ...