例如,xlim([0, 10]) 和ylim([0, 1])。 数据点标记(Data Points Marker):使用 plot(x, y, 'o') 可以将数据点标记为圆圈,使用 plot(x, y, '+') 可以将数据点标记为加号等。这些是常用的 plot 函数参数设置,通过结合使用这些参数,您可以创建各种外观和风格的图表。要了解更多关于 MATLAB 中绘图函数的...
Example 3: How to Add Descriptive Text to 3D Data Points? In this MATLAB code, we generate a surface plot for the functionZ=cos(X)+sin(Y)corresponding to the given vectors x and y. After that, we locate a point (0,0,1) and add its description which is cos(X)+sin(Y)=1. [X...
B = [0.1371 0.1301; ... %# Sample data 0.0541 0.5687; ... 0.0541 0.5687...
% po - plot options: % 0 - No plot % 1 - plots only colored data points (filtered) % 2 - plots colored data points and contours (filtered) % 3 - plots only colored data points (unfiltered) % 4 - plots colored data points and contours (unfiltered) % default is 1 % ms - uses ...
The beauty of data is not limited to the straight line world. The polar graph depicts the periodicity and symmetry of data from its unique perspective. The polar function or polarplot function in Matlab can distribute data points in the polar coordinate system, like blooming flowers, showing the...
plot(x,y1,'--go',x,y2,':r*') Plot Only Data Points This example shows how to plot only the data points byomitting the line style optionfrom the line specification string. Define the dataxandy.Plot the data and display a star marker at each data point. ...
line(X,Y,Z,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,…)画出由参数x,y,z确定的线条,其中对指定属性PropertyName设置为PropertyValue,其他没有指定属性用缺省值。属性LineStyle和Marker参见命令plot。 line('PropertyName',PropertyValue,…)对属性用相应的输入参数来设置而画出线条。这是命令line的低级使用形式,此时不接受矩阵...
x=linspace(0, 2*pi,100); % Interval with 100 data points y=(sin(x) .^ 2); z=(cos(x) .^ 2); w=y .* z; v=y ./ (z+eps); % add eps to avoid division by zero subplot(221); % upper left of four subplots plot(x,y); axis([0 2*pi 0 1]); ...
More important, it adds indexes of the plotted data samples next to each sample, making it easier to debug small data sets scatter-plotted. Cite As Francesco Montorsi (2024). Scatterplot with points indexes (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25576-scatterplot-with-points-...
plot(x, y,':ok') The resulting plot fig (a) consists of a dashed line, together with data points marked with circles. The line, the points, and the circles are drawn in black, as shown in fig (b). Setting Axis Scales and Annotation Plots ...