B = [0.1371 0.1301; ... %# Sample data 0.0541 0.5687; ... 0.0541 0.5687...
% po - plot options: % 0 - No plot % 1 - plots only colored data points (filtered) % 2 - plots colored data points and contours (filtered) % 3 - plots only colored data points (unfiltered) % 4 - plots colored data points and contours (unfiltered) % default is 1 % ms - uses ...
The beauty of data is not limited to the straight line world. The polar graph depicts the periodicity and symmetry of data from its unique perspective. The polar function or polarplot function in Matlab can distribute data points in the polar coordinate system, like blooming flowers, showing the...
Plot Only Data Points This example shows how to plot only the data points byomitting the line style optionfrom the line specification string. Define the dataxandy.Plot the data and display a star marker at each data point. x = linspace(0,2*pi,25); y = sin(x); figure plot(x,y,'*...
line(X,Y,Z,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,…)画出由参数x,y,z确定的线条,其中对指定属性PropertyName设置为PropertyValue,其他没有指定属性用缺省值。属性LineStyle和Marker参见命令plot。 line('PropertyName',PropertyValue,…)对属性用相应的输入参数来设置而画出线条。这是命令line的低级使用形式,此时不接受矩阵...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hi All, I have written a code to estimate a root of x^10=1 using modified regula falsi. My code is working pretty well now but I want to plot ea versus iter variable and xr versus iter variable as data-points but there is a problem about this. In my...
plot(x,sin(x),'.b',x,cos(x),'+r') legend(‘sin’,’cos’)这样可以把“.”标识为‘sin’,把“+”标识为“cos” 还可以用legend(…,’Location’,LOC)来指定图例标识框的位置 这些是Matlab help文件。后面一段是对应的翻译和说明: 还是用上面的例子 ...
Use the scatter function to draw a scatterplot, specify the size of the dots to be 30 points, the fill color is turquoise, and the outline color is magenta. (3) 指定一系列绘图中的颜色 (3) Specify the colors in a series of plots ...
addpoints itself plots the data. I am not able to do addpoints first and then convert the data for sake of a plot. This is what I used: ThemeCopy h = animatedline('Marker','o'); addpoints(h,Xdata,Ydata); This is the error: Error using matlab.graphics.animation.Ani...
plot 函数的基本使用语法格式为: 绘制一条曲线:plot(xdata, ydata, ’color_linestyle_marker’) 绘制多条曲线:plot(xdata1, ydata1, ’clm1’, xdata2, ydata2, ’clm2’, ...) 若在绘制曲线的时候没有指定曲线的色彩、线型和标识符,则MATLAB 使用默认的设置。