例如,xlim([0, 10]) 和ylim([0, 1])。 数据点标记(Data Points Marker):使用 plot(x, y, 'o') 可以将数据点标记为圆圈,使用 plot(x, y, '+') 可以将数据点标记为加号等。这些是常用的 plot 函数参数设置,通过结合使用这些参数,您可以创建各种外观和风格的图表。要了解更多关于 MATLAB 中绘图函数的...
2. 使用Data Cursor工具 这是一种交互式的方法,适用于少量数据点的提取: 鼠标悬停在plot曲线上,右键单击选择"Data Cursor"(数据光标)工具。 单击曲线上的点,会显示出该点的(x, y)坐标值。 单击"Copy Figure Data"(复制图形数据)按钮,将曲线的数据复制到剪贴板中。 在MATLAB命令窗口中粘贴数据,即可获取plot曲...
The Plot function is a core tool for drawing two-dimensional graphs, which can help users visualize the relationship between data points or depict the changing trend of mathematical functions. plot(X,Y)可以用来创建 Y 中数据对 X 中对应值的二维线图。 Plot (X, Y) can be used to create a t...
The beauty of data is not limited to the straight line world. The polar graph depicts the periodicity and symmetry of data from its unique perspective. The polar function or polarplot function in Matlab can distribute data points in the polar coordinate system, like blooming flowers, showing the...
function plotData(X, y)(在文件的开头应写上新定义的function,文件的名称(plotData.m)中的plotData应与function的名称一至) %PLOTDATA Plots the data points X and y into a new figure % PLOTDATA(x,y) plots the data points with + for the positive examples ...
% Draws a scatter plot with a colorscale % representing the data density computed % using three methods % % INPUT VARIABLES: % x,y - are the data points % method - is the method used to calculate data densities: % 'circles' - uses circles with a determined area ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hi All, I have written a code to estimate a root of x^10=1 using modified regula falsi. My code is working pretty well now but I want to plot ea versus iter variable and xr versus iter variable as data-points but there is a problem about this. In my...
matlab中plot含义 (中英文版) In MATLAB, the `plot` function is used to create 2-D line plots of data.The basic syntax of the function is: ```matlab plot(x, y) ``` Here, `x` and `y` are arrays or matrices representing the x-axis and y-axis data points, respectively.The `plot...
How to plot data points of spring pendulum... Learn more about spring pendulum, excel, data points
function plotData(X, y)(在文件的开头应写上新定义的function,文件的名称(plotData.m)中的plotData应与function的名称一至) %PLOTDATA Plots the data points X and y into a new figure % PLOTDATA(x,y) plots the data points with + for the positive examples ...