0.2]; % 2. 创建 Gaussian 逼近模型 gaussianModel = fittype('a*exp(-((x-b)/c)^2)', '...
plot(t,yi) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 其他的语法格式,简单罗列在这里吧。我的理解还不是太深刻,应用到了在补充吧: yi=gauspuls(t,fc,bw,bwr)returns a unity-amplitude Gaussian RF pulse with a fractional bandwidth ofbwas measured at a level ofbwrdB with respect to the n...
在Fit Editor里面点击New Fit按钮,此时其下方的各个选框被激活,在Data Set选框中选中刚才建立的x-y数据组,然后在Type of fit选框中选取拟合或回归类型,各个类型的拟合或回归相应的分别是: Custom Equations 用户自定义函数 Expotential e指数函数 Fourier 傅立叶函数,含有三角函数 Gaussian 正态分布...
假设你有一组x和y数据,要用Gaussian函数拟合逼近曲线,步骤如下: 定义Gaussian函数模型:Gaussian函数可以表示为:f(x) = A * exp(-(x - mu)^2 / (2 * sigma^2)),其中A是幅度,mu是均值,sigma是标准差。 创建Gaussian函数模型:使用fittype函数来创建一个Gaussian函数模型。 使用fit函数进行拟合:使用fit函数来...
In digital image processing, often gaussian function is used to create a MxM size of template for convolution with the image. This function here enable to have actually visualizing the gaussian template of size MxM, where the size is completely set by user. Hoepfully you enjoy my function. ...
Y=AMGAUSS(N,T0,T) generates a gaussian amplitude modulation centered on a time T0, and with a spread proportional to T. This modulation is scaled such that Y(T0)=1 and Y(T0+T/2) and Y(T0-T/2) are approximately equal to 0.5 . ...
PLOT_GAUSSIAN_ELLIPSOIDS(M, C, SD, NPTS) plots the ellipse or ellipsoid with a resolution of NPTS (ellipsoids are generated on an NPTS x NPTS mesh). By default, NPTS = 50 for ellipses, and 20 for ellipsoids. PLOT_GAUSSIAN_ELLIPSOIDS(M, C, SD, NPTS, AX) adds the plot to the ...
Gaussian:高斯逼近,有8种类型,基础型是 a1*exp(-((x-b1)/c1)^2) Exponential:指数逼近,有2种类型, a*exp(b*x) 、 a*exp(b*x) + c*exp(d*x) Power:幂逼近,有2种类型,a*x^b 、a*x^b + c Rational:有理数逼近 Sum of Sine:正弦曲线逼近,有8种类型,基础型是 a1*sin(b1*x + c1) ...
gaussian = @(x, a, b, c) a * exp(-((x-b)/c).^2); % 生成一些示例数据 x = 1:10; y = [1 2 4 7 9 7 4 2 1 0.5]; % 进行高斯拟合 fittedModel = fit(x’, y’, gaussian, ’StartPoint’, [1, 5, 1]); % 绘制原始数据和拟合曲线 plot(x, y, ’o’); hold on; plo...
Gaussian :利用高斯分布来选取; Uniform:均匀; Adaptive feasible:自适应; Custom:自定义; Crossover 杂交 Scattered:随机生成遗传二进制向量,按0-1杂交; Single point:单点杂交,生成一个数字,该数字代表的位置开始两父代基因交换; Two point:两点交换;