Matlab - 产生高斯噪声 %正态分布(normal distribution)又名高斯分布(Gaussian distribution), % MATLAB 命令是normrnd。 %1)R=normrnd(MU,SIGMA):生成服从正态分布(MU参数代表均值,DELTA参数代表标准差)的随机数。 % 输入的向量或矩阵MU和SIGMA必须形式相同,输出R也和它们形式相同。 %2)R=normrnd(MU,SIGMA,m)...
('Ld',1079.339,'Perc',3*2.762); % N.B===> use 3*sigma in the Gaussian distribution because our % requirements must be satisfied in +-3*sigma %% DEFINE THE LATERAL DYNAMICS STATE SPACE SYSTEM A=[Yv Yp g Lv Lp 0 0 1 0]; B=[Yd Ld 0]'; C=[0 1 0 0 0 1]; D=[0 0]...
varm withproperties: Description: "ARIMA(0,0,0) Model (Gaussian Distribution)" SeriesNames: "Y1" NumSeries: 1 P: 0 Constant: 4.90146 AR: {} Trend: 0 Beta: [1×0 matrix] Covariance: 12.087 1-Dimensional VAR(0) Model varm with properties: Description: "ARIMA(0,0,0) Model (Gaussian ...
%% Generate Shadowed Rician Random Number X = ShadowedRicianRandGen(b,m,Omega,N); %% Points for which distribution has to be eval(0,5,1000); %% Estimate Distribution [fsim,Fsim] = EstimateDistribution(X,x); %% Theoretical PDF & CDF [fana,Fana] = ShadowedRicianDistribution(b,m,Omega,x);...
% sigma - the parameter of the Rayleigh distribution % Outputs: % noise - a vector containing the generated Rayleigh noise samples if nargin < 2 sigma = 1; % Default sigma value if not provided end % Generate Gaussian distributed random numbers with mean 0 and std deviation sigma normal_ran...
19、rsgeneratedfromaGaussiancopulawithlinearcorrelationparametersrho.Ifrhoisap-by-pcorrelationmatrix,Uisann-by-pmatrix.Ifrhoisascalarcorrelationcoefficient,copularndgeneratesUfromabivariateGaussiancopula.EachcolumnofUisasamplefromaUniform(0,1)marginaldistribution.U=copularnd(t,rho,NU,N)returnsNrandomvec 20、to...
% function X = TruncatedGaussian(sigma, range) % X = TruncatedGaussian(sigma, range, n) Generate a pseudo-random vector X of size n, X are drawn from the truncated Gaussian distribution in a RANGE braket; and satisfies std(X)=sigma. RANGE is of the form [left,right] defining the brak...
% %% Generate N Gaussianly Distributed Random Variable with specific mean and % %% Standard Deviation % N = 1000000; % mu = -1; % sigma = 5; % X = mu + sigma*randn(N,1); % %% Points for which CDF and PDF are to be evaluated ...
the state transition function assumes a Gaussian motion model with constant velocities. The function uses a Gaussian distribution to determine the position of the particles in the next time step. For your application, it is important to have a state transition function that accurately describes how ...