1、实例代码,MATLAB版本R2021b: % This script shows how to use ColorChecker to correct color% Written by Ethan Zhao, Mar. 2023% Tutorial: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/617486221/clear;closeall;t=0:pi/10:10*pi;x=sin(t);y=cos(t);forii=2:length(t)figure(1);% plot pointsp=scatter3(...
(2) 三维点图(3D point plot) 若想绘制三维点图,则为每个数据点赋予标记即可。 If you want to draw a 3D point graph, just assign a label to each data point. (3) 多个线条(Multiple lines) 若想在同一个图形中创建多个线条,则创建多组坐标,在调用plot3函数时指定连续的xyz三元组。 If you want t...
matlab之scatter3()与plot3()函数 2018-11-28 09:25 −Display point cloud in scatter plot(在散点图中显示点云): scatter3(X,Y,Z) 在向量 X、Y 和 Z 指定的位置显示圆圈。 scatter3(X,Y,Z,S) 使用 S... 一杯明月 0 17662 散点图的绘制 ...
在Matlab中,可以使用plot3函数来显示三维数据。plot3函数可以绘制三维曲线、曲面和散点图等。 plot3函数的语法如下: plot3(X, Y, Z) 其中,X、Y和Z分别是三维数据的x...
plot(xy(1,1),xy(1,2),'x','LineWidth',2,'Color','yellow'); plot(xy(2,1),xy(2,2),'x','LineWidth',2,'Color','red'); len=norm(lines(k).point1-lines(k).point2); if(len>max_len) max_len=len; xy_long=xy; end end plot(xy_long(:,1),xy_long(:,2),'LineWidth',2...
像scatter3(x,y,z1, 720,'g','fill')将在向量x,y,z1中列出的所有点周围生成720大小的不...
plot3(Point_pw(:,1),Point_pw(:,2),Point_pw(:,3),'r*'); title("最平坦的前780个点"); % 使用matlab工具箱计算的法向量 figure(2); P=P'; pt=pointCloud(P); pcshow(pt); hold on; normals=pcnormals(pt,8); u = normals(1:5:end,1); ...
main="3D Scatter Plot with Vertical Lines") type:表示绘图类型的字符:"p "表示点,"l "表示线,"h "表示垂直于x-y平面的线 我们还可以在刚才那幅图上添加一个回归面,代码如下: library(scatterplot3d) attach(mtcars) s3d <-scatterplot3d(wt, disp, mpg, pch=16, highlight.3d=TRUE, type="h",...
2、绘制3D球体 functionscatter3sph(X,Y,Z,varargin)%SCATTER3SPH (X,Y,Z) Makes a 3d scatter plot with 3D spheres% SCATTER3SPH is like scatter3 only drawing spheres instead% of flat circles, at coordinates specified by vectors X, Y, Z. All three% vectors have to be of the same length...
plotg allows creating line plots with color gradients that are defined based on point indices (default) or a given set of values of the points.Cite As Siamak (2025). plotg (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/67385-plotg), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved February 5...