当AB中有一维的矩阵,就是很自然的理解% -若都是一维,就把这些点连起来% -A是1*5矩阵,B是2*5矩阵,=plot(A,B(1,:))+plot(A,B(2,:))A=[1,2;2,4;3,6];B=[1,2;1,2;2,4];point=[A(:),B(:)];%方便看%(1,1)(2,1)(3,2)连一起%(2,2)(4,2)(6,4)连一起plot(A,B)...
For example, plot(X,Y,'c+:') plots a cyan dotted line with a plus at each data point; plot(X,Y,'bd') plots blue diamond at each data point but does not draw any line. plot(X1,Y1,S1,X2,Y2,S2,X3,Y3,S3,...) combines the plots defined by the (X,Y,S) triples, where t...
两个函数的格式不同:\x0d\x0aplot(X,Y,S); % X,Y为坐标,画出一个点,S为其它属性(颜色,点的大小等)。\x0d\x0aline([X1 X2],[Y1 Y2],S); %点A(X1,Y1)和点B(X2 Y2)之间画一条直线,S为其它属性(颜色,线的粗细等)。\x0d\x0a详细资料可以在matlab主面板里输入 ...
1、matlab画图函数plot使用方法plot函数可以接一些参数,来改变所画图像的属性(颜色,图像元素等)。下面是一些属性的说明 b blue(蓝色) . point(点) - solid(实线)g green(绿色) o circle(圆圈) : dotted(点线)r red(红色) x x-mark(叉号) -. dashdot (点画线)c cyan(墨绿色) + plus(加号) - das...
·用Matlab画图时,有时候需要对各种图标进行标注,例如,用“+”代表A的运动情况,“*”代表B的运动情况。 legend函数的基本用法是 LEGEND(string1,string2,string3,...) 分别将字符串1、字符串2、字符串3……标注到图中,每个字符串对应的图标为画图时的图标。 例如: plot(x,sin(x),'.b',x,...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 text(x,y,txt) x,y represent the data point, see detailhere 댓글 수: 3 이전 댓글 1개 표시 Yashita2024년 11월 13일 14:27 I tried doing this but this makes the label of the point appear at a random location, how do i make it ...
plot(cos(0:pi/20:2*pi), 'or--'); % circle red point, dashed line plot(sin(0:pi/20:2*pi), 'xg:'); % cross green point, dotted line hold off 搜索栏搜索linespec,可以看到更多的plot style。 legend() 增加每条线的标题 legend('L1', ...) ...
plot(X,Y,S) where S is a character string made from one element from any or all the following 3 columns:b blue . point - solid g green o circle : dotted r red x x-mark -. dashdot c cyan + plus -- dashed m magent...
This tutorial will discuss creating a 3D plot of point or line using the plot3() function in MATLAB. Create a 3D Plot of Point or Line Using the plot3() Function in MATLAB We already know about the plot() function in MATLAB, which is used to plot data on a 2D plane. The plot3(...
(seeString)%Annotatethepoint(-pi/4,sin(-pi/4))text(-pi/4,sin(-pi/4),'\leftarrowsin(-\pi\div4)',...'HorizontalAlignment','left')%Changethelinecolor to red and % set the line width to 2 points set(p,'Color','red','LineW...