key=waitforbuttonpress; % pause untill user takes some action if key % key on keyboard pressed return % take no action else % object selected object=gco % get object selected by buttonpress type=get(object, ‘Type’ ); if all(type(1:4)==arg(1:4)) % delete only if ‘Type’is ...
[s,mess,messid]=mkdir(PathName,FileName);%创建用户文件夹whiles~=1errordlg(mess,'新建文件出错');pause(2);helpdlg('请重新选择路径或更改文件名','提示');pause(2);[FileName PathName]=uiputfile('*.*','文件另存为');[s,mess,messid]=mkdir(PathName,FileName);end pathName=strcat(PathName,'...
No other feedbackpause; % Get the keypresstemp2=get(h,CurrentCharacter); % Get the keypress,. for present, % , 40、 for absenttemp3=strcmp(., temp2); % Compare strings. If . (present), temp3=1, % otherwise 0score(stimulusorder(1,i)=score(stimulusorder(1,i)+temp3; % Add ...
keydown = wfbp; catch %#ok<CTCH> waserr = 1; end if(waserr == 1) if(ishghandle(fig)) cleanup(c); error(message('MATLAB:ginput:Interrupted')); else cleanup(c); error(message('MATLAB:ginput:FigureDeletionPause')); end end ...
pause(1) delete(tx) kx = 0; while 1 im = getframe(handles.axes1); im = im.cdata; bbox = step(fd, im); vo = insertObjectAnnotation(im,'rectangle',bbox,'FACE'); axes(handles.axes2) imshow(vo) if size(bbox,1) > 1 msgbox({'TOO MA...
%%%pause(0.001); %%%catch ers %%%disp('Unable to save training set try again'); %%%end % --- Executes on button press in testBtn. function testBtn_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to testBtn (see GCBO) ...
1、此游戏只可用于双人对战。 2、棋盘颜色、棋盘格数、棋子颜色等参数均可自由设置 3、鼠标点击非棋盘区域可悔棋。 一、游戏界面 二、主程序及函数 1、主程序 %Author:LeiZhen %Date:2018-03-12%此程序只下五子棋,并判断胜负关系 clear all; clc
KeyPress Function for Help Buttons (F1, F2, F3...) keypress with enter key with a checkbox Kill Task Manager Process - Using VB .NET Kill, Quit , or Close Specific Excel WorkBook which is Opened Multiple Times with different Excel files... Large amount of data in ComboBox Last names...
Unfortunately, the side effect is thatuiwaitblocks the regular (non-callback’ed) processing until the lock is released. This is great for simple cases where we require a user to respond to a popup window (e.g., message-box or input dialog) before being allowed to proceed. In more compl...