Pause function in matlab for 1 millisecond. Learn more about pause, milliseconds, serial port, gui MATLAB
radii= 0.1*rand(5,1);%Clear the axes. cla%Fix the axis limits. xlim([-0.1 1.1]) ylim([-0.1 1.1])% Set the axis aspect ratio to 1:1. axis square%Set a title. title(['k ='num2str(k)])%Display the circles. viscircles(centers,radii,'Color',colors{k});% Pausefor1second. pa...
while ishandle(fig1) %数据更新 plottime=datetime; hh=plottime.Hour; mm=plottime.Minute; ss=plottime.Second; xt1=datenum(0,0,0,hh,mm,ss);%将时间转化为日期格式 x=xt1;%给后面设置x轴的属性 %时间轴更新时间,会不断流动,形成动态曲线 runtimes=runtimes+1; %数据纵坐标更新。 yval=recvData*...
In the above code, we have given a pause of 1 second, and the output is close to 1 second. Now let’s use thecputimecommand to check the time taken. See the code below. clc clear Start_t=cputime;pause(1)End_t=cputime;Elapsed_time=End_t-Start_t ...
[Using the while loop to check over the Flag every time a second is displayed] [Please note that this loop will be executed only if the Flag is True] disp (startingTime) pause (1) [This will set the interval time between every output] ...
x=1:30;y=sin(x);hLine=plot(x,y,'o-','MarkerSize',10,'Color',[0,0,0]);pause(1e-16)% MarkerHandle建立需要一定时间因此pause一下很重要hMarkers=hLine.MarkerHandle;markerNum=size(hMarkers.VertexData,2);% 这里用的pink配色,可以换成其他colormapcolorData=uint8([(pink(markerNum).*255)...
x(1) = 20; %汽车起点的x坐标 y(1) = 30; %汽车起点的y坐标 phi(1) =0; %汽车车身起始倾角 figure; pause(1); for i=1:1:N-1 pause(0.1); inputcanshu=[x(i),y(i),phi(i)]; outputcanshu=evalfis(inputcanshu,fuzzyfis);
1.函数定义行(关键字function) function[out1,out2,..]=filename(in1,in2,..) 输入和输出(返回)的参数个数分别由nargin和nargout两个MATLAB保留的变量来给出。 2.第一行帮助行,即H1行 以(%)开头,作为lookfor指令搜索的行 3.函数体说明及有关注解 ...
writerObj.FrameRate = 60; % How many frames per second. open(writerObj); for i=1:size(y) % We just use pause but pretend you have some really complicated thing here... pause(0.1); figure(fid); % Makes sure you use your desired frame. ...
表示里面使用的单位是 radians/second(弧度/秒)freqs 函数的作用是将一个用S域表示传递函数转换中频域的表达 ( FREQS Laplace-transform (s-domain) frequency response. )plot(f,20*log10(abs(hf)/abs(hf(1)))plot()画图命令;20*log10(abs(hf)/abs(hf(1)))求出在相对应的频率下的,增益...