25、ma-separated list syntax varargin: to pass the optional parameters to plot. The callmyplot(sin(0:.1:1),color,.5 .7 .3,linestyle,:)results in varargin being a 1-by-4 cell array containing the values color,.5 .7 .3, linestyle, and :.The functionfunction s,varargout = mysize(...
means linear-linear axes. 'squared' is the same as 'plot'.'dB' plots "10*log10(psd)". This argument is ignored and a spectrum is not plotted if the caller requires a returned value.criterion %% [optional string arg] model-selection criterion. Limits the number of poles ...
MATLABMATLAB Function Current Time0:00 / Duration-:- Loaded:0% In diesem Tutorial wird erläutert, wie Sie die optionalen Argumente einer Funktion mithilfe der Eigenschaftennarginundvararginin MATLAB festlegen. Sie können einer Funktion mit der Eigenschaftvararginin den Klammern des Funktionsname...
% Nested function that converts miles to feet and adds in % optional FEET argument. feet = miles .* 5280; if argsIn >= 2 feet = feet + varargin{1}; end end % End nested function convert2Feet function inches = convert2Inches(argsIn) % Nested function that converts feet to inches a...
function [Returns,intervals] = price2ret(Prices,ticks,method)%PRICE2RET Convert prices to returns%% Syntax:%% [Returns,intervals] = price2ret(Prices)% [Returns,intervals] = price2ret(Prices,ticks,method)%% Description:%% Compute returns from series of observations in levels ...
();// Create MATLAB data array factorymatlab::data::ArrayFactory factory;// Create input argument arraysstd::vector<matlab::data::Array>args({ factory.createArray<double>({1,3},{1,0,1}), factory.createArray<double>({1,2},{2,7}) });Stringfunc(u"conv");// Call function asny...
% function h=vline(x, linetype, label) % % Draws a vertical line on the current axes at the location specified by 'x'. Optional arguments are % 'linetype' (default is 'r:') and 'label', which applies a text label to the graph near the line. The % label appears in the same...
% * m: m is an optional argument for the number of sources. % If ommited, JADE assumes as many sources as sensors. % % Output : % * A is an n x m estimate of the mixing matrix % * S is an m x T naive (ie pinv(A)*X) estimate of the source signals ...
Many plotting functions have a single argument for specifying the color, the line style, and the marker. For example, theplotfunction has an optionallinespecargument for specifying one or more of these aspects. (Alternatively, you can set properties to modify the plot after creating it.) ...
(optional) "," separates columns.N=5% A scalarv=[100]% A row vectorv=[1;2;3]% A column vectorv=v'% Transpose a vector (row to column or% column to row)v=1:.5:3% A vector filled in a specified range:v=pi*[-4:4]/4% [start:stepsize:end]% (brackets are optional)v=[]...