If you are calling a MATLAB function with no or more than one output argument, you must provide that number in calls to the enginefevalmethod. Incorrect Java Data Types In certain cases, you must convert to specific MATLAB types to support the requirements of the MATLAB function you are call...
Function Declaration− The function is declared using the function keyword, and it accepts one input argument x. Input Argument Specification− Inside the function, the arguments keyword is used to specify the input argument, x, as a double-precision floating-point number. This means that the...
Usetry/catch ExceptionInstead of the Two-Argument Form ofeval The functionevallets you execute just about any valid MATLAB statement. Because the argument toevalis a string, however, MATLAB cannot anticipate what will be executed and may be unable to take advantage ...
plot3(xM(:),yM(:),zM(:),'.') % This is the plot type you should be using. % With a '.' as an argument to show only locations and not lines % Also, (:) converts any matrix into a list of its elements in one single column....
By moving theFUNCfunction outside of the script and using@FUNCas the input argument forode45, MATLAB will be able to recognize the function and parameters correctly, and the “Not enough input arguments” error should be resolved. 我恍然大悟,原来是没加 @ 符号!!!添加上去之后这个错误终于不报了...
1function PlotTest(n)2%编写一个简单的函数,对plot进行简单封装一下3plot(1:n,1:n);4%测试正确,才可以进行下一步工作 注意,混编必须是m函数function的形式才能被调用。上述函数简单测试一下,没有问题(复杂的函数一定要多测试,否则后续调试非常困难)。继续下一步。
??? Error using ==> sind at 16Argument should be real.2、可以自行定义这两个函数:sind=@ (x)sin(sym(pi)/180*x);cosd=@ (x)cos(sym(pi)/180*x); 但由于solve函数会误把pi也当成变量,导致下面的错误:??? Error using ==> solve at 134Error, (in solve) a constant is ...
Jquery UI Dialog - How to use the close button to perform function? I'm using the Jquery UI Dialog in my site and wanted to know if there is a way that I can use the close button to perform an action. For example if the button is pressed then refresh the page. Somethi... ...
假设需要查看function_name的源代码,在命令窗口中键入 type function_name 即: >> type imread function [X, map, alpha] = imread(varargin) %IMREAD Read image from graphics file. % A = IMREAD(FILENAME,FMT) reads a grayscale or color image from the file ...
function X = ShadowedRicianRandGen(b,m,Omega,N,a) % This function generates random number according to shadowed Rician % density function. % % INPUTS: % b = Scalar (real), Average power of multipath component % m = Scalar (real), Fading severity parameter ...