第四版 第14章-样条表示 目录 [1] 样条的种类 1. 插值样条 2. 逼近样条 [2] 参数连续性条件 [2] 几何连续性条件 [3] 样条描述 1. 列出一组施加在样条上的边界条件 2. 列出描述样条特征的行列式 3. 列出一组混合函数或基函数 [4] 三次样条插值方法 1. 自然三次样条 Natural Cubic Spline 2. ...
‘natural’ 自然邻点插值 C1(样本点处除外) ExtrapolationMethod 说明 ‘linear’ 基于边界梯度的线性外插。Method 为‘linear’ 或‘natural’ 时的默认值。 ‘nearest’ 最近邻点外插。此方法的计算结果为边界处的最近邻点的值。Method 为‘nearest’ 时的默认值。 ‘none’ 无外插。Points 凸包之外的任何查询...
"However, if Y contains two more values than X has entries, then the first and last value in Y are used as the endslopes for the cubic spline." That is NOT the definition of a NATURAL spline, although I can see how one might mistake that easily enough. A natural cubic spline has ...
Natural Cubic Spline Interpolation Choose x0, x1, x2, x3 and y0, y1, y2, y3. Write an .m file to compute the third order polynomials for the intervals [x0, x1], [x1, x2], [x2, x3]. Plot the functions and the points xi, yi on the same figure. Figure should clearly show ...
假设有n个点,分别位于xn,以上是对内点也就是x2到xn-1的要求,对于端点也就是x1和xn,要求曲线位于其位置一阶的一阶导不变,也就是f'(x1)=f'(xn)=constant,也就是二阶导数f''(x1)=f''(xn)=0,即自然边界条件(natural spline) 另外,夹持边界条件(clamped spline)是两端导数已知的情况。
'natural' - Natural neighbor interpolation 'cubic' - Cubic interpolation (2D only) 'v4' - MATLAB 4 griddata method (2D only) defines the interpolation method. The 'nearest' and 'linear' methods have discontinuities in the zero-th and first derivatives respectively, while the 'cubic' and 'v4...
When implementing cubic spline interpolation in MATLAB, it is crucial to consider the choice of boundary conditions. Common options include natural, clamped, and not-a-knot boundary conditions, which determine how the spline curve behaves at the edges of the data range. Each type of boundary cond...
function[b,c,d]=ncspline(x,a) %NCSPLINE Natural Cubic Spline h=diff(x); n=length(x)-1; A=sparse(2:n,1:n-1,h(1:n-1),n+1,n+1) +... sparse(2:n,3:n+1,h(2:n),n+1,n+1) +... sparse(2:n,2:n,2*(h(1:n-1)+h(2:n)),n+1,n+1); ...
(x,v,method,'pp')输入参数x - 样本点向量v - 样本值向量 | 矩阵 | 数组xq - 查询点标量 | 向量 | 矩阵 | 数组method - 插值方法'linear' (默认值) | 'nearest' | 'next' | 'previous' | 'pchip' |'cubic' | 'v5cubic' | 'makima' | 'spline'extrapolation - 外插策略'extrap' | 标量...