MPC_Matrices.m function [E , H] = MPC_Matrices(A , B , Q, R , F , N) n=size(A,1); %A是n*n的矩阵,得到n; p=size(B,2); % B 是 n x p 矩阵, 得到 p; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% M=[eye(n);zeros(N*n,n)]; % 初始化 M 矩阵. M 矩阵是 (N+1)n x n的, % ...
%% Multistep Matrices (H is lowertriangular) C = zeros(n_y,6); % C for control, 2 rows because only voltage is controlled C(1:n_y,3:4) = eye(2); [UpsilonT,Gamma,lSTE,W_inv,H] = MPC_Matrices_l(A,B,C,Np,lambda); %Multistep matrices %% Initialize variables Uop_ESA = zer...
MPC_Matrices.m function [E , H]=MPC_Matrices(A,B,Q,R,F,N)n=size(A,1); % A 是 n x n 矩阵, 得到 np=size(B,2); % B 是 n x p 矩阵, 得到 pM=[eye(n);zeros(N*n,n)]; % 初始化 M 矩阵. M 矩阵是 (N+1)n x n的,% 它上面是 n x n 个 "I", 这一步先把下半...
模型预测控制MPC(Model Predictive Control)是70年代末发展起来的新型计算机控制算法。经过多年的理论研究和应用实践,MPC在算法改进和理论分析方面都有很大发展。它的典型算法有三种:模型算法控制MAC(Model Algorithm Control),动态矩阵控制DMC(Dynamic Matrix Control)和广义预测控制GPC(Generalized Predictive Control) [1.2...
to implement the custom7% MPC controller designed above. The constraint matrices are definedas8% Ac*x>=b0.9Ac = -[1000;...10-1000;...110100;...120-100;...130010;...1400-10;...150001;...16000-1];17b0 = -[1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1];1819%%20% The |mpcqpsolver|function requires ...
getMPCmatrices.m getModelParams.m getNewBorders.m hpipmInterface.m optimizer.m simulation.m unWrapX0.m MPCC This is a Matlab implementation of the MPCC controller. The implementation is very similar to the approach described in Optimization‐based autonomous racing of 1:43...
Matlab数学软件应用举例 一、MATLAB简介 美国Mathworks公司推出了MATLAB以其强大的功能和易用性受到越来越多的科技工作者的欢迎. MATLAB由主包和功能各异的工具箱组成,其基 本数据结构是矩阵.MATLAB具有非常强大的计算功能,成为世界上应用最广泛的工程计算应用软件之一. MATLAB的发展史 70年代中期,美国的...
the (X,Y,S) triples, where the X's and Y's are vectors or matrices and the S's are strings. For example, PLOT(X,Y,'y-',X,Y,'go') plots the data twice, with a solid yellow line interpolating green circles at the data points. ...
With the use of cell arrays, it is much easier to handle the output of a varying number of component matrices. Let the components of a three-way parafac model is held in a cell e.g. called Factors; e.g. arising from the call of a four-component model Factors = parafac(X,3); ...
gallery - Several small test matrices. hadamard - Hadamard matrix. hankel - Hankel matrix. hilb 11、- Hilbert matrix. invhilb - Inverse Hilbert matrix. magic - Magic square. pascal - Pascal matrix. toeplitz - Toeplitz matrix. vander - Vandermonde matrix.,2. 符号运算工具箱,主要功能以符号为...