% 给定一个矩阵 matrix = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]; % 计算常数因子 constant = 2; factor_matrix = matrix * constant; % 生成新矩阵 new_matrix = matrix + factor_matrix; % 输出结果 disp("常数因子为:" + constant); disp("常数因子矩阵为:"); disp(factor_matrix); ...
1 Matlab中的变量可用来储存向量(Vectors)及矩阵(Matrix)以进行各种运算, 例如: Matlab亦可取出向量中的一个元素或一部份来做运算, 例如: 在每一橫列结尾加上分号(:), 例如: MxN矩阵的各种处理, 例如:
% feature extraction for the ith frequency band xMatrix(:,(i-1)*2+1:2*i) = iMatrix; end % n = size(xMatrix,1); acc = zeros(1,bandNum); for i = 1:bandNum temp = (reshape(xMatrix(i,:),size(iMatrix,2),m))'; acc(i) = getAccuracy(temp,label); % compute classification...
% Compute a new approximation. a = symconvup(wavecopy('a', nc, ns), lp, lp, fl, ns(3, :)) + ... symconvup(wavecopy('h', nc, ns, nnmax), ... hp, lp, fl, ns(3, :)) + ... symconvup(wavecopy('v', nc, ns, nnmax), ... lp, hp, fl, ns(3, :)) + .....
(3)Create a matrix and compute the smallest element in each column. A = [284;739] A = 2 8 4 7 3 9 M = min(A) M = 2 3 4 (4)Create a matrix and compute the smallest element in each row A = [;] ...
end m=j; y=H(1:m,1:m)\e(1:m); u=u0+V(:,1:m)*y; fprintf('Iter=%d, relres=%.4e\n',m, relres(m)); semilogy(relres); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Givens 变换 function [c, s] = mygivens(a, b) % compute the Givens rotation matrix parameters for a and ...
首先,MATLAB中利用GPU的方法很简单,我们来看下面的例子,C = A*B然后对C矩阵做奇异值分解,你需要做的只不过是把矩阵A和B放进GPU内存罢了,MATLAB会自动将后续的矩阵相乘和奇异值分解分配到GPU上完成。看代码: functions = largeMatrixTest() coder.gpu.kernelfun; ...
Consider again the problem of extracting just the (2,1), (3,2), and (4,4) elements of A. You can use linear indexing to extract those elements. A([2 7 16]) ans = 5 7 1 That’s easy to see for this example, but how do you compute linear indices in general? MATLAB provides...
IfAis a square matrix, thenA\Bis roughly equal toinv(A)*B, but MATLAB processesA\Bdifferently and more robustly. If the rank ofAis less than the number of columns inA, thenx = A\Bis not necessarily the minimum norm solution. You can compute the minimum norm least...
it to an SOCP, and calling PDCO.% The matrix A can be either an explicit matrix, or an implicit operator% implemented as a function. If using the implicit form, the user should% provide the name of a function of the following format:% y = OperatorName(mode, m, n, x, I, dim)%...