Min/Max filter (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24705-min-max-filter), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved January 19, 2025. Requires MEX correctly setup NO image processing is required Download a tiff file for Lena's demo MATLAB Release Compatibility Created with R...
max(x): 向量x的元素的最大值 mean(x): 向量x的元素的平均值 median(x): 向量x的元素的中位数 std(x): 向量x的元素的标准差 diff(x): 向量x的相邻元素的差 sort(x): 对向量x的元素进行排序(Sorting) length(x): 向量x的元素个数 norm(x): 向量x的欧氏(Euclidean)长度 sum(x): 向量x的元素...
The functions timerstart, timerstop, linramp and meshgrid2d are replaced with the corresponding MathWorks functions. The resulting MATLAB function would look like this: function [xmult,ymult,time, W] = MandlebrotSet(xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin) t = tic;maxiter=50;m=300;xmult = (xmax-xmin...
The functions timerstart, timerstop, linramp and meshgrid2d are replaced with the corresponding MathWorks functions. The resulting MATLAB function would look like this: function [xmult,ymult,time, W] = MandlebrotSet(xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin) t = tic;maxiter=50;m=300;xmult = (xmax-xmin...
D must be a 2 column or 2 row matrix or an array of complex numbers [Xlo Xhi],[Ylo Yhi] are optional and default to the min and max of the input data Xn and Yn are optional and default to 20 Example: hist2d([randn(1,10000); randn(1,10000)]) Really just a copy of 2...
x = strmatch('max', char('max', 'minimax', 'maximum')) % 查找匹配指定字符串 %% 实验结果 % ex1_22 % ans = % 6 30 % ans = % 6 30 % ans = % 10 25 34 42 % ans = % 'FIND the starting indices of the shorter string.' ...
1、整型:(int8;uint8;int16;uint16;int32;uint32;int64;uint64)通过intmax(class)和intmin(class) 函数返回该类整型的最大值和最小值,例如intmax(‘int8’)=127; 2、浮点:(single;double) 浮点数:REALMAX('double')和REALMAX('single')分别返回双精度浮点和单精度浮点的最大值,REALMIN('double')和REAL...
41、x1,f1,df11,df12,x2,f2,.指定各阶导数 InterpolationOrder默认为3次,可修改 ListInterpolationarray对离散数据插值,array可为n维 ListInterpolationarray,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,. FunctionInterpolationexpr,x,xmin,xmax, y,ymin,ymax,. 以对应exprxi,yi的为数据进行插值 Fourierlist 对复数数据进行付氏变换 In...
err = max(max((abs(T-t))); tmax = max(max(T)); if err < convergance_criteria % MESSAGE BOX % msgbox({'STEADY STATE ACHIEVED', sprintf('Time for steady state = %g',nt)},'RESULT'); k = k+1; break end if shp == plottime contourf...