Sometimes MATLAB users need to scale the y-axis as a log scale keeping the x-axis as a linear scale while plotting a function or an expression. This can be obtained easily by using thesemilogy()function. Thesemilogy()function allows us to create two-dimensional plots of a function or expr...
savemydataax% mydata为文件名(mydata.mat)loadmydata% mydata.mat内变量作为已知变量% for循环语句fori=1:niEnd% 表示长度N=length(X)%平均分成等分x=linspace(x1,x2,N)ones(5,1)%全1zeros(2,3)%全0% 函数y=(x-1).^2% 次方为 .^ n% 定义函数function[输出]=Lagrange(输入)%输入%输出计算代...
y=sin(x); hf=figure('Color',[0,1,0],'Position',[1,1,450,250],'Name','Fuck','NumberTitle','off','MenuBar','none','KeyPressFcn','plot(x,y);axis([0,2*pi,-1,1]);'); 1. 2. 3. 结果: 二、坐标轴对象 1、概念 坐标轴对象是图形窗口对象的子对象,每个图形窗口中可以定义多个...
The Acceleration, Angular Velocity, Magnetic Field, and Orientation sensors all log data in relation to theX,YandZaxes. This diagram shows these axes relative to the device. Note that the Z axis is a positive value when the device is lying face-up flat on a surface. This is by design ...
% hack to make image look right set(gca,'CLim',[0 1.1*max(costchart(find(costchart < Inf)))]); axis off; drawnow; end if max(ismember(setOpen,goalposind)) disp('Solution found!'); % now find the way back using FIELDPOINTERS, starting from goal position ...
You may however force showfit to fit LOG(Y) or Y whatever the Y axis, by specifying 'lin' or 'log' in the first input argument: rmfit% this removes all the fitsshowfit('power; lin','fitcolor','red'); showfit('power; log','fitcolor','blue'); ...
Machine learning and data mining algorithms use techniques from statistics, optimization, and computer science to create automated systems which can sift through large volumes of data at high speed to make predictions or decisions without human intervention. Machine learning as a field is now ...
mkdir rvctools cd rvctools git clone vision git clone smtb git clone common make -C vision...
cmocean thermalcaxis([1744])%color axis limits cb=colorbar;ylabel(cb,'temperature \circC')hold onborders('countries','color',rgb('dark gray'))contour(Lon,Lat,sp,'k')%pressure contoursquiversc(Lon,Lat,u10,v10)%wind vectors%quiver(Lon,Lat,u10,v10)%wind vectors ...