m_proj('albers equal-area','lat',[40 60],'long',[-90 -50],'rect','on');%方形,扇形 m_coast('patch',[0 1 0]);%填充 m_grid('linest','none','linewidth',2,'tickdir','out','xaxisloc','top','yaxisloc','right'); m_text(-69,41,'Standard coastline','color','r','fon...
m_contourf - draws filled contours m_track - draws annotated tracklines m_range_ring - draws range rings m_ll2xy.m - converts from long/lat to map coordinates m_xy2ll.m - converts from map coordinates to long/lat m_geo2mag - converts from magnetic to geographic coords m_mag2geo ...
自述文件-此文件smb_tracking.m-示例MATLAB脚本match_template.m-MATLAB函数track_template.m-MATLAB函数input / smb_w4-1.mp4-示例视频输入input / template.mat-包含smb_tracking.m的模板和掩码的数据文件 项目介绍 该项目是对我之前从事的模板匹配项目的扩展,该项目通过视频提要合并了跟踪。 这个想法是使用逐帧模...
m_track(lons,lats,dates,'ticks',0,'times',4,'dates',8,... 'clip','off','color','r','orient','upright'); 画轨迹,时间间距为4;数据等分为8.最后两个参数是上面标记的属性,如方向、朝向。 例11中: 第一句中clong ‘170’表示经度的中心位置是东经170位置。 m_line(100.5,13.5,'marker','...
% m_text.m - adds text data in map coords% m_legend.m - Draw a legend box% m_quiver - draws arrows for vector data% m_contour - draws contour lines for gridded data% m_contourf - draws filled contours% m_patch - draws patch data% m_track - draws annotated tracklines% m_hatch...
此时图像就在MATLAB里显示出来了 然后用取坐标点命令 ginput 点图像上你想要的点A,I,J,K 然后回车 此时窗口上就出现了各个点的坐标了。他们之间的距离就可以算出,然后你再用比例关系,就可以算出实际距离了 我的运行后坐标是:1.170000000000000e+002 2.899999999999994e+001 1.140000000000000e+0...
_gshhs_cm_mag2geom_tbase m_contourfm_gshhs_fm_patchm_text m_coordm_gshhs_hm_pcolorm_track m_demom_gshhs_im_plotm_ungrid m_elevm_gshhs_lm_plotbndrym_usercoast m_etopo2m_hatchm_projm_vec m_fdistm_idistm_quiverm_xy2ll m_geo2magm_legendm_range_ringm_xydist m_geodesicm_linem_...
reliableTrackInds = ... [tracks(:).totalVisibleCount] > minVisibleCount; reliableTracks = tracks(reliableTrackInds); if ~isempty(reliableTracks) bboxes = cat(1, reliableTracks.bbox); ids = int32([reliableTracks(:).id]); labels = cellstr(int2str(ids')); ...
m_lldist.m | 30 +++ m_patch.m | 9 +- m_plot.m | 32 +++ m_plotbndry.m | 4 + m_quiver.m | 6 + m_range_ring.m | 5 + m_scale.m | 9 +- m_tbase.m | 4 + m_text.m | 10 +- m_track.m | 6 +- m_vec.m | 8 +- m_xy2ll.m | 7 + m_xydist.m | 32...