m_gshhs_f.m - draws coastline from GSHHS full resolution database m_plotbndry.m - draws a political boundary from the DCW m_usercoast.m - draws a coastline using a user-specified subset database. m_plot.m - draws line data in map coords m_line.m - draws line data in map coords...
9. Zoom in on Prince Edward Island to show different coastl m_proj('albers equal-area','lat',[46.375 46.6],'long',[-64.2 -63.7],'rect','on'); m_gshhs_h('patch',[.6 .6 .6]); m_grid('linest','none','linewidth',2,'tickdir','out','xaxisloc','top','yaxisloc','right...
l,i,h,f分别表示粗糙/低/中/高/满分辨率 % m_gshhs 第二个参数:c,b,r分别表示海岸线,国...
m = 1000; f = @(z) z^8 - 1; df = @(z) 8*z^7; [X, Y] = meshgrid(linspace(-2, 2, n), linspace(-2, 2, m)); A = nan(n, m); for i = 1:n for j = 1:m z0 = X(i, j) + 1i*Y(i, j); % Newton-Raphson z = z0; ite = 0; fz = f(z); while abs...
下面是m_map工具箱中常用的一些投影方式的说明: 选择投影方式时定义区域命令(有些特别的例外): m_proj('投影方式','long',[lonminlonmax],'lat',[latminlatmax]); m_coast('patch',[a,b,c]);画海岸线。主要是配色。a,b,c都在[01...
9. Zoom in on Prince Edward Island to show different coastl m_proj('albers equal-area','lat',[46.375 46.6],'long',[-64.2 -63.7],'rect','on'); m_gshhs_h('patch',[.6 .6 .6]); m_grid('linest','none','linewidth',2,'tickdir','out','xaxisloc','top','yaxisloc','right...