I'm trying to run m map, I have downloaded this and made it part of the pathway on matlab, I then run this line: m_proj('utm','lat',[29 19],'lon',[-82 -97]) then: m_gshhs_i('patch',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); but get given this error: ...
m_proj('Miller','lon',[lon1 lon2],'lat',[lat1 lat2]); %%% Miller 投影 m_gshhs_i('patch',[0.84 0.91 0.85]); m_quiver(x,y,u7,v7,'k'); hold on m_gshhs_i('patch',[0.84 0.91 0.85]); m_grid('linest','none') title('东中国海46.6m层流场') ; xlabel('lon'); saveas(...
m_proj('lambert','long',long_rang,'lat',lat_rang); m_gshhs_i('patch',[.7 1 .7],'edgecolor','k'); % High Resolution Coastline... m_grid('linestyle','none','box','fancy','tickdir','in','fontsize',8); m_line(lon,lat,'linewi',1.5,'color','r'); title('航迹图','...
m_etopo2.m - draws elevation data from (another) high-resolution database m_gshhs_c.m - draws coastline from GSHHS crude database m_gshhs_l.m - draws coastline from GSHHS low-resolution database m_gshhs_i.m - draws coastline from GSHHS intermediate-resolution database m_gshhs_h.m - ...
m_etopo2.m - draws elevation data from (another) high-resolution database m_gshhs_c.m - draws coastline from GSHHS crude database m_gshhs_l.m - draws coastline from GSHHS low-resolution database m_gshhs_i.m - draws coastline from GSHHS intermediate-resolution database m_gshhs_h.m - ...
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岸线数据 % m_gshhs 第一个参数:c,l,i,h,f分别表示粗糙/低/中/高/满分辨率 % m_gshhs 第...
下面是m_map工具箱中常用的一些投影方式的说明: 选择投影方式时定义区域命令(有些特别的例外): m_proj('投影方式','long',[lonminlonmax],'lat',[latminlatmax]); m_coast('patch',[a,b,c]);画海岸线。主要是配色。a,b,c都在[01...
Matlab——m_map指南(3)——实例m_map 实例 1、clear all m_proj('ortho','lat', 48,'long',-123');%投影⽅式,范围 m_coast('patch','r');%红⾊填充 m_grid('linest','-','xticklabels',[],'yticklabels',[]);%标注为空 patch(.55*[-1 1 1 -1],.25*[-1 -1 1 1]-.55...
matlab 图形窗口大小的设置 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%常用选项和小技巧%%%%% %画等值线 [cc hh]=contour(peaks(30),'LINESPEC','b-')clabel(cc,hh,'manual')%写文本 text(5,10,'\bf math \sl math \it math \rm math \alpha','color',[0.1 0.1 0.9],'...