m_coast('patch','g'); m_line(100.5,13.5,'marker','square','color','r');%增加了一个标记点 m_range_ring(100.5,13.5,[1000:1000:15000],'color','b','linewi',2);%范围,颜色,线宽 xlabel('1000km range rings from Bangkok');%曼谷中心1000km的范围环 11、 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
m_proj('lambert','long',[-160 -40],'lat',[30 80]); m_coast; m_grid; m_range_ring(-123,49,[1e3:1e3:10e3],'color','r'); 1 2 m_ungrid range_ring%将其移除 m_range_ring(-123,49,[200:200:2000],'color','r');%重新画 没1000公里画一个圆, 但我对此不满意,想要仅仅使用...
m_patch.m - adds patch data in map coords m_pcolor - draws pcolor surface m_quiver - draws arrows for vector data m_contour - draws contour lines for gridded data m_contourf - draws filled contours m_track - draws annotated tracklines m_range_ring - draws range rings m_ll2xy.m - ...
Matlab——m_map指南(2)3、海岸线和深度测量 3.1.1 海岸线选项 m_coast('line', ...optional line arguments );m_coast('line', ...optional line arguments ); m_map 的海岸线数据可以使⽤m_coast 获得 ,此处的参数选项都是指定线的属性的⼀些标准选项例如线条样式,线宽,颜⾊等。m_coast(...
m_lldist.m | 30 +++ m_patch.m | 9 +- m_plot.m | 32 +++ m_plotbndry.m | 4 + m_quiver.m | 6 + m_range_ring.m | 5 + m_scale.m | 9 +- m_tbase.m | 4 + m_text.m | 10 +- m_track.m | 6 +- m_vec.m | 8 +- m_xy2ll.m | 7 + m_xydist.m | 32...
??m_range_ring(100.5,13.5,[1000:1000:15000],color,b,linewi,2);?画一系列间距线圈。离中心1000开始,1000为间距,15000结束。颜色为蓝色,线宽2. 例12中: ???前两行是确定图中多边形的具体位置(各个顶点的坐标)。 ???m_hatch(bndry_lon,bndry_lat,single,30,5,color,k);?%?...with?hatching?
(I'm not sure how much I can cram into a single discussion, so I'll stop at this point for now. If I see interest in the ideas here, I can proceed further. For example, what was I doing with that sequence in the first place? And of course, can I prove the relation is valid...
A is the govenring equations from the truss anaylsis while x is m. Thus b is the stresses in the members depending on m. m ranges from values 1-7. i need to make a loop that ends the calulations after a certain value of matrix b is met and then displays the previus iteration as...