what I need is a histogram with X axis displayed on a log scale. However, I still want every bar in a histogram to be of the same width. Whatever, I came up with (or upon) display bars with higher values as narrower ones (they are of the same width on ordinary scale and not on...
使用‘barh’命令,绘制初始横向柱状图。 GO=barh(x,y,0.9,'EdgeColor','k','LineWidth',1);hTitle=title('Horizontal bar chart with logarithmic scale');hXLabel=xlabel('Number of nodes');hYLabel=ylabel('Province'); 4. 细节优化 为了插图的美观,将初始横向柱状图赋上之前选择的颜色: % 赋色GO.Fac...
So I have this data I'd like plotted onloglogscale, with linear values on the y-axis and the values in dB on the x axis and loglog(EbN0,BER) outputs a nice looking curve, but the problem is the axis ticks. It's fine on the y-axis, but the x axis only has one tick, at10^...
在plot窗口,edit→axes properties,在下面出现的property editor窗口中,点击X axis,点击第三行的x scale右边的下拉列表中的log,即可完成。
loglog(X,Y) plots x- and y-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale on the x-axis and the y-axis. To plot a set of coordinates connected by line segments, specify X and Y as vectors of the same length. To plot multiple sets of coordinates on the same set of axes, specify at...
在这个例子中,我们创建了一个4个点的loglog图,并使用axis equal函数设置了轴相等。这样,x轴和y轴的刻度间隔就相等了。 对于Matlab loglog图中轴相等的应用场景,它通常用于展示数据的对数关系,例如在科学研究、工程分析、金融数据等领域。通过使用loglog图,可以更清晰地显示数据的趋势和关系。 腾讯云相关产品和产品介绍...
set(gca,'xscale','log') %注意,一定是xscale,虽然横坐标是z,但不能写成zscale. legend('红线为omegam0=1','黑线为Omegam0=0.3且用马丁公式','绿线为omegam0=0.3,omegalambda=0.7') axis([0.005 1.1 32 46]) %{ 以上中y1,y2,y3都是m-M,表示视星等与绝对星等的差值,红移越大值越大表示星的亮度越...
caxis (伪)颜色轴刻度 cd 设置当前工作目录 cdf2rdf 复数对角型转换到实块对角型 ceil 朝正无穷大方向取整 cell 创建单元数组 char 创建字符串数组或者将其他类型 变量转化为字符串数组 charfcn Maple函数 Children 图形对象的子对象 clabel 等高线标注 class 判别数据类别 clc 清除指令窗中显示内容 clear 从内存...
[, LEVELS=vector] [, NLEVELS=integer{1 to 60}] [, MAX_VALUE=value] [, MIN_VALUE=value] [, /OVERPLOT] [{, /PATH_DATA_COORDS, PATH_FILENAME=string, PATH_INFO=variable, PATH_XY=variable} | , TRIANGULATION=variable] [, /PATH_DOUBLE] [, /XLOG] [, /YLOG] [, ZAXIS={0 | 1...
相角ans 最新表达式的运算结果any 有非零元则为真area 面域图asec 反正割asech 反双曲正割asin 反正弦asinh 反双曲正弦atan 反正切atan2 四象限反正切atanh 反双曲正切autumn 红、黄浓淡色axis 轴的刻度和表现B bbar 直方图binocdf 二项分布概率binopdf 二项分布累积概率binornd 产生二项分布随机数组blanks 空格符号...