line([1*sign(e)+2*e,1],[-1,-1],[-1,-1],'LineWidth',2) function spread_y(e) global x y z; x_right=[x(1:4),0]; y_right=[y(1:4),0]*sign(e)+2*e; z_right=[z(1:4),0]; for j=1:4 balls(.1,x_right(j),y_right(j),z_right(j)); end balls(.2,x_right...
reference : integrating sphere radiometry and photometry, labsphere corporation, lsf lsf(wavelengths, focal_ratio, x-coordinates) computes the monochromatic diffraction-limited line spread function at the given wavelengths (rows) at the coordinates given by x. x must be monotonic upward and equi-...
This synthetic image array is then convolved with a point spread function (‘PSF Defocus.tif’) and corrupted with image noise (three levels) to resemble real-world imaging conditions using the ‘CovolveNCorrupt.m’ script. Finally, a ‘.tiff’ image file is exported from the ‘ConvolveN...
xlabel('Input Value'); % x轴注解 ylabel('Function Value'); % y轴注解 title('Two Trigonometric Functions'); % 图形标题 legend('y = sin(x)','y = cos(x)'); % 图形注解 grid on; % 显示格线 === 我们可用subplot来同时画出数个小图形於同一个视窗之中: subplot(2,2,1); plot(x, ...
ylabel('Function Value'); % y轴注解 title('Two Trigonometric Functions'); % 图形标题 legend('y = sin(x)','y = cos(x)'); % 图形注解 grid on; % 显示格线 === 我们可用subplot来同时画出数个小图形於同一个视窗之中: subplot(2,2,1); ...
PCM抽样的MATLAB实现源程序如下: function a_13code() t=0:0.000025:0.00025; y=sin(8000*pi*t) z=line13(y) c=pcmcode(z) function y=line13(x) x=x/max(x); z=sign(x); x=abs(x); for i=1:length(x) if((x(i)=0)(x(i)1/64)) y(i)=16*x(i); else if((x(i)=1/64)(...
“Zhe Xue (17): Learning Matlab - 3D Line Chart” Welcome to visit! 一、思维导图(Mind Map) 二、基本知识(Basic knowledge) (1)plot3函数(plot3 function) 在MATLAB平台上,plot3函数作为三维图形绘制的核心工具,赋予用户绘制三维空间内线段、连续曲线及离散散点图的能力。其基础语法简洁明了,通过输入三...
(2) Use the dot function to accumulate, and its code is shown in the figure below. 运行结果如下图所示。 The results of the run are shown below. 3. 向量的交叉运算 3. Cross operation of vector 使用cross函数进行向量的交叉运算,其基本格式为:cross(a,b)。前提: a和b必须为相同维数的向量,其...
d + e;function (param1, param2, … param3)setText([‘Long line split’ … ‘into two parts.’]); 缩进3或4个空格 良好的缩进可能是揭示程序结构的唯一最佳方式。缩进1个空格太小,无法强调代码的逻辑布局。有时建议缩进2个空格,以减少嵌套语句需要停留在80列内的换行数,但MATLAB通常没有深度嵌套。
How to plot a dotted black line (without using yline function)? How do I plot a horizontal dotted black line going from 0 to the maximum value of x? The height of the line should be 0. I canno... 4 years ago | 0 answers | 0 0answers Question How to take value from function...