以下是这些数据结构及其基本操作的代码示例: 1. 向量 创建和操作向量 % 行向量 rowVector = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; % 列向量 colVector = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]; % 访问元素 firstElement = rowVector(1); % 修改元素 rowVector(2) = 10; % 向量长度 vectorLength = length(rowVector); 1. 2. ...
["123";"ab"] %可行 %% 补充 length(c) %字符向量长度 length(s) %字符串数组长度 strlength(s) %字符串元素的长度 %% 字符串型索引 s=["123","abcd";"自由未知数","%$%#"] s(1,2) %常规组合索引 s{1,2} %索引字符串的元素内容,返回字符向量 s{1,2}(1:2) %索引元素内容后,用二级...
矩阵化编程的一般思路是利用数学上矩阵运算规则、矩阵的数组运算以及bsxfun函数,必要时辅以矩阵操纵。 字符串,Cell数组,Table,Struct: 字符串,Cell数组,Table,Struct本质上都是数组。字符串的元素是char;Cell数组的元素是cell,cell相当于一个容器,其中可以存任意类型,如double型矩阵,字符串,甚至是cell,cell 的内容用{...
{function1, function2, function3}; % 定义求和结果的初始值 sumResult = 0; % 循环遍历函数句柄数组,依次调用每个函数句柄,并将结果累加起来 for i = 1:length(functionHandles) sumResult = sumResult + functionHandles{i}(); end % 输出求和结果 disp(['函数句柄求和结果:' num2str(sumResult)]); %...
forii=1:length(app.Histogram) app.Histogram(ii).NumBins = numhistbins(app,app.Histogram(ii).Data); end end % Callback function: BinWidthSlider, BloodPressureSwitch, % ButtonGroup, UITable functionrefreshplot(app, event) Genders = app.SelectedGenders; ...
% end of the main function %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function p = findWayBack(goalposind,fieldpointers) % This function will follow the pointers from the goal position to the % starting position n = length(fieldpointers); % length of the field ...
choose=unidrnd(length(possible_actions)); action=possible_actions(choose); else [~,index]=max(possible_Q); action=possible_actions(index); end %更新 Q(state,action)=R(state,action)+gamma*max(Q(action,:)); %下一步 state=action; end %输出训练过程 if mod(episode,100)==0 disp("---"...
(2001) present an analytical approach for producing efficient hardware implementations by varying the word length and scaling of each signal in a Simulink block diagram. Hwang et al. (2001) demonstrate a visual design flow that addresses issues including the mapping of system parameters, such as ...
i Datao |回WDdtn Sets SmoothImport workspace vectors:PreviewX Data:V Data:Weights:Data set nameSelect X and Y vectors of equal length, or a single Y vectorIf y 4、ou have 3dimensional data, use the Surface Fitting Tool, also available in this toolboxData sets:Vi ew | , Rnam伫 | ...