matlab报错中length 1是什么意思Output returned by S-function ‘xuexijia’ in ‘xuexijia2/S-Function’ 在flag = 3的调用期间,在’xuexijia2 / S-Function’中由S函数’xuexijia’返回的输出必须是长度为1的实矢量。感觉应该是你定义应该返回实数的函数返回值不是一个实数(可能你返回成了一个向量或者矩阵)...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于matlab length的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及matlab length问答内容。更多matlab length相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Error "not enough input arguments" in... Learn more about not enough input arguments, length function, vector matrix
To find the number of characters in a string or character vector, use the strlength function. length does not operate on tables. To examine the dimensions of a table, use the height, width, or size functions. Extended Capabilities Tall Arrays Calculate with arrays that have more rows than ...
MATLAB插值函数interp用法写了不舍得删,记录在这 czl666 分享61 matlab吧 嘴角边的幸福fy 【小白求指导】用randn函数生成标准高斯白噪声clc;clear;dt=0.01;t=0:dt:10000;N=length(t);noise=sqrt(1/dt)*randn(1,N);有没有好心大哥告诉我上面的代码生成的是不是标准高斯白噪声 matlab 分享122 华中师范大学吧...
Currently it is not advisable to override the LENGTH function for TABLE data type. A possible workaround is be to include the function below in a folder inside MATLAB PATH and replace all instances of LENGTH with FINDLENGTH in your script.
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Number of Mismatches and Length of Longest Match Correlate with Alignment Score in Swalign Built-in Function in MATLABdoi:10.26502/JBSB.5107024Wenfa NgFortune Journals
你也在做电工数模吧,因为s的值是一个数组,在之前的程序中出现了,所以你直接用就会出现没有定义的情况.在最上面定义一下s就可以了.还有,length(s-1:-1:1)你可以自己试一下嘛,就是先取s的长度,减去一,从这个数开始,产生递减的数组,一直到一.比如s有4个元素,那么i就是[3 2 1]了!