meshgrid是Matlab中用于生成网格采样点的函数,向量转化为矩阵。[X,Y]=meshgrid指令的作用是基于向量 x 和 y 中包含的坐标返回二维网格坐标。X 是一个矩阵,每一行是 x 的一个副本;Y 也是一个矩阵,每一列是 y 的一个副本。坐标 X 和 Y 表示的网格有 length(y) 个行和 length(x) 个列。meshgrid is ...
load dataX //load a data set (a matrix) named dataX v = dataX(1:10) // v will be a 1 by 10 matrix with first 10 elements in first column of dataX save hello.mat v; // save the variable V into a file called hello.mat at current direction clear // deletest all of the v...
for loop variable = initial value: step length: final value Execute statement 1 ... Execute statement 2 end The default value of the step length is 1, which can be omitted; the initial value, step length, and final value can be positive or negative, integer, or decimal, as long as th...
坐标X和Y表示的网格有length(y)个行和length(x)个列。 [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y): Returns two-dimensional grid coordinates based on the coordinates contained in the vectors x and y. X is a matrix, each row is a copy of x, Y is also a matrix, and each column is a copy of y. The ...
vectorLength = length(rowVector); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 2. 矩阵 创建和操作矩阵 % 创建矩阵 matrix = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]; % 访问元素 element = matrix(2, 3); % 修改元素 ...
二维数组变量的创建数组元素的标识与寻访数组运算多维数组 Application of Matlab Language7 2.2. 1. 数组(array)的概念数组定义: 按行(row)和列(column)顺序排列的实数或复数的有序集,被称为数组。 数组中的任何一个数都被称为这个数组的元素,由其所在的行和列标识,这个标识也称为数组元素的下标或索引。Matlab...
4、有时候,还需要在直方图的上方显示它的数值,这时可以用text函数进行标记,方法是:bar(a,0.5)for i=1:length(a)text(i,a(i),num2str(a(i)),'VerticalAlignment','bottom',...'HorizontalAlignment','center','FontSize',9,'color','r','FontWeight','bold')end 其中,text后面引号中...
将行向量转置(Transpose)後,即可得到列向量(Column vector): z = x' z = 4.0000 5.2000 6.4000 7.6000 8.8000 10.0000 不论是行向量或列向量,我们均可用相同的函数找出其元素个数、最大值、最小值等: length(z) % z的元素个数 ans = 6 max(z) % z的最大...
将行向量转置(Transpose)後,即可得到列向量(Column vector): z = x' z = 4.0000 5.2000 6.4000 7.6000 8.8000 10.0000 不论是行向量或列向量,我们均可用相同的函数找出其元素个数、最大值、最小值等: length(z) % z的元素个数 ans = 6 max(z) % z的最大值 ...
irpoints to an integer array of lengthnzmaxcontaining the row indices of the corresponding elements inpa. jcpoints to an integer array of lengthn+1, wherenis the number of columns in the sparse matrix. In C, the first element of anmxArrayhas an index of 0. Thejcarray contains column in...